Wednesday 27th May 2020

Good morning everyone.
I hope that you all had a lovely long weekend break. What sort of things did you get up to? I did some baking and watched some movies when the weather was horrible. Glad the sun is shining again!

I have set a few assignments for you today:


The Mystery of the Pirate Captain – solve the clues to find out who the new captain is. Good luck!

The Mystery of the Pirate Captain


Spelling – ‘ow’ Phoneme
Write your spelling words four different ways from these choices: normal, rainbow, cursive, capital letters, red vowels and blue consonants, alphabetical order, dot-to-dot letters, scrabble tiles, cut a stick from a newspaper or magazine, paint, chalk, pyramid writing or magnetic letters.

Spelling – ‘ow’ Phoneme 27.5.20

Creativity Grid

On this grid there are lots of different activities for you to choose from. You can create a minecraft school, build a spaghetti bridge, create a blanket fort and drawing a superhero are just to name a few. Try to choose a few things to do from the grid.


Hope you all have a great day!

Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning primary 5B! Can’t believe we’ve completed another week of lockdown and it’s Friday again!

Monday and Tuesday are holidays next week, so there will be no online learning those two days. Wonder what you’ll all get up to? I’ve got lots of paper work to do for Mrs McKee!

I have not set any new assignments for today so use this time to catch up on any you are still working on. Make sure to get some exercise whether that be from Joe Wickes, out on your bike, on your trampoline or a having a nice family walk.
You can always log onto Bugclub or Sumdog if you’re looking for some activities to do.

I will be available to chat to you all on the Playground Chat channel on Teams  today, from 9am -10am and 2pm-3pm. We got some news yesterday that schools will not be opening until August and I thought you might have some questions about what this means for you. Please feel free to ask me your questions or tell me how you’re feeling about it all, I’m there for you all!

Have a great day!

Thursday 20th May 2020

Good morning everyone! Hope you enjoyed the nice sunny weather yesterday?

Today I have set a few more assignments should you need them. Remember just do what you can, when you can!


Final day of the Sumdog competition so try and log on to get us onto the leader board!

As it’s Outdoor classroom day I’ve uploaded lots of different challenge cards that you can choose a few activities to do. Get out doors for numeracy!



Practice your cursive handwriting.

Cursive Handwriting

Have a great day boys and girls!

Wednesday 20th May 2020

It was really fun guessing what your zoomed in images were yesterday! Well done everyone that took part!

Today I have set a few more assignments for you, should you need them. If not, just continue with Mondays.

H&WB – What is bullying?

Last week you were asked to take part in an anti-bullying questionnaire, so I thought we’d look into this a bit more. This activity needs you to think about bullying and it’s effects.

What Does Bullying Look Like, Sound Like and Feel Like Activity Sheet


Sumdog – Grammar Challenge


Number Talks

Number Talks 20.5.20

Have a great day! I hope the weather is nicer today.

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Morning everyone! Hope you are all well today? It was nice chatting on here to some of you yesterday, I’m really missing you guys!

Today I have set a few assignments should you need them. If not, just work away at the others set.


Try out some money games on Topmarks:
The Change Game
How Much left?
Going Shopping Problem Solving
Click on this link to take you there –


Spelling – Try to make a wordsearch using your ‘ow’ phoneme words. You can make one yourself or click on this link to make one online.

STEM – Under the Microscope

Look Closely! Challenge 1: Can you identify these magnified images? Explain your guess.
Challenge 2: Can you take your own close up picture, zooming in as if it is under a microscope? Share it with us on our photo album channel, to see if we can guess! I’ve put one there for you to guess too!

Stem – Challenge 1

Remember to try and do some fitness too, even if it’s raining. Maybe a Just Dance or Joe Wickes?

Have a great day!

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