Thursday 4th June 2020

Morning everyone!

I was thinking about some things that I don’t know about you all so my check-in question today is:
What is your favourite colour?
I like purple but wear a lot of black and I know that some of you thought it was my favourite colour!!

Remember to check the school Blog to do your warm up with the p7s and find out what activities Mr Smith has set for you today for Sports. I’ve seen some fabulous pictures and videos of you participating in these so well done!(clap) I’d like to see more of your pictures, please post here on send me them via email at

Today I have set a few more tasks if you need them:


Short poem – take time to think about all the things that make you happy and write them down to create a short poem.

Happiness Is..

Happiness is…by Mrs Griffiths


Thinking about our differences today and what makes us all different and why this is a good thing. Choose one topic and one activity to help you think about how differences are important, so too are our attitudes towards it.



Enjoy your day!

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning! Hope you all had lovely day in the sun yesterday?

Check in question – What activities did you manage to do for Sports week?

Today I have set you a few more tasks if you need them:


Keep trying out Scotland Rocks Times Tables. How are you getting on, have you all managed to create your Avatar?

Topic – Should Scotland be an Independent Country?

At the moment, England is easing it’s Lockdown measures quicker than Scotland. This is because Nicola Stugeon has devolved powers, which means we can do some things differently from England. However, Scotland is not independent from the rest of the UK. Do you think we should separate and have full control over Scotland? Try to think of arguments for and against, you might want to ask an adult to help you out or do some research on the internet.

Scottish Independence Debate


I have allocated you new books on Bug Club. Please try to catch up if you’ve still got a few to finish.

Have a lovely day!

Monday 1st June 2020 – Sports Week

Good morning everyone! I can’t believe that we’re now out of May and in June.

The weather has been fantastic over the weekend. Check in question – What did you get up to at the weekend? I had family around in the garden and it was so nice spending time with them! I had a barbecue and we had the paddling pool out too as it was so hot!(sun)

Today is the start of our Sports Week. All events are being organised by Mr Smith and you can find out all the information on the school’s Blog. Please try to take part and earn some points for your school house. Looking forward to seeing what Mr Smith has organised for you all.

As you will have some sports events to be involved in, I’ve only set a few assignments.


Spelling – Write your spelling words four different ways from these choices: normal, rainbow, cursive, capital letters, red vowels and blue consonants, alphabetical order, dot-to-dot letters, scrabble tiles, cut a stick from a newspaper or magazine, paint, chalk, pyramid writing or magnetic letters.

Spelling – Common Words 1.6.20


Log onto Scottish Rocks Times Tables and have a go at some of the activities. There is a competition starting next week.


Outdoor Picture – Try to use anything you can find outside to create a piece of art. Look forward to seeing your creations!

Have a great day boys and girls!

Friday 29th May 2020

Good morning everyone!
It’s very warm already as I’m typing this and the sun is streaming in my kitchen windows! Please stay safe in the sun and remember to keep drinking and don’t forget to apply your suntan lotion!

Today is a catch up day, so try and finish anything you’ve not managed to do yet. Also, There is a competition starting on the 8th June for maths. It’s on a website called Scotland Rocks Times Tables. I have attached the website and all your log in details. You can go in now and start creating your avatar and find your way about the site. Have fun!

P5B TTRS Username Labels

Have a lovely day boys and girls! Can’t wait to see some more of your lovely pictures showing me what you’re getting up to!

Quick check-in question – What is your favourite type of ice lolly/cream?
Mine is a Twister, yum!

Thursday 28th May 2020

Good morning everyone!

I think it’s going to be another lovely day today so enjoy some time in the sun if you can! Anyone in their paddling pool yesterday?

Today I am only going to set a fun assignment, as I feel the challenge grid and numeracy will take you a little while to finish. Don’t worry if you can’t do this one! Remember that you still have Sumdog and Bugclub activities to do if you have finished these.

STEM – Ice-cream in a Bag

Follow the instructions below to see if you can make your own ice-cream. Post pictures if you can to show us. Look forward to seeing the results!



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