Friday 3rd April 2020

Morning everyone! Today will be our last online learning day until after the Easter Holidays.

I have set you a few things to do today:

Make sure you continue to get your daily exercise, whether that’s football, trampoline, Joe Wicks, bike rides or a walk. Enjoy!

Try to finish any work that you haven’t completed yet.

Literacy Assignment:

Can you find all the Easter words hidden in this bumper wordsearch?

easter_wordsearch (1)

Numeracy Assignment:

Can you create an Easter themed maths board game for us to play? What aspect of maths are you going to cover – fractions/muliplication or division?

Easter_Boardgame_Task (1)

Have fun!

Thursday 2nd April 2020

Morning Primary 5B. Hope you are all well today?

I have set you a few assignments today and remember to continue to work on your Easter card or Easter Around the World. Try to get some exercise and maybe try out Mr Smith’s exercises – you’ll find it on the school blog.

Literacy –
Common Word practice – try to create a word search, make silly sentences, do ransom words(cutting out letters from newspaper) or vowel spotlight(vowel one colour, consonants another.

Spelling – Common Words 31.3.20

Numeracy –
Fractions activities.


Wholes and Fifths 2.4.20

Circles and Squares:

Equivalent Fractions 2.4.20

Digital Escape Room – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Follow the link to answer questions to take you around the factory – Good luck! You can work with your family, if you’d like.

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Hello everyone! Have you done anything funny for April’s Fool Day today – tell us all about it and makes us smile, either in Teams or on your blog.

Today, continue to work on your Easter cards and Easter Around the World Research. Also remember to try and keep active and maybe have a healthy snack today? I’m trying to stay away from the crisps and cakes, it hard though!!It wasn’t me!

I have set you a few assignments today:

Literacy –

Word of the Day Activity – try to find the meaning and use it in a sentence. Remember antonyms are words with the opposite meanings and synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. The word is – convince


Numeracy –

Try to solve these word problems.


French –

Today is April Fool’s Day or as the French call it ‘poisson d’avril’ (April Fish) – try and find out a little about what they do in France on this day. Do they prank people? Try to revise your numbers to 30.

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Good morning primary 5B. Hope you are all well this morning?

Today, I’ve set some more assignments but don’t forget to do some fitness and a Lego/Indoor challenge if you can!

Literacy –

Word of the Day Activity – try to find the meaning and use it in a sentence. Remember antonyms are words with the opposite meanings and synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. Good luck!


Common Words practice activity.

Spelling – Common Words 31.3.20

Try rainbow writing, chalking them outside, pyramid writing or other handed!


Word problem challenge sheet and times table sheet.



Art –

This week we would have been making Easter Cards. Design your own for a family member or follow the link to make a pop up Easter card.

Easter Around the World Research –

It would have been our class assembly this week and we had a few ideas already for it. I’d like you to choose a country and research about how they celebrate Easter. Do they have the same traditions? You can design poster, a powerpoint, or a word document. Look forward to seeing what you find out.

Have a great day!

Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. Please post in the Playground chat on Teams about what you got up to over the weekend, if you can!

Today, I have given you some assignments to complete. Remember you can upload them on Teams, post them into your eportfolio, post pictures on here or email them to me.

Literacy –
Solo Talk, try to show me what you had been working on before we had to stop either your powerpoint or poster.

Character Description. (1)
Character Description, using your character web that you’ve already created to write a paragraph about them. Remember we took notes from the Last Wolf then put it into a paragraph?
I’ll put on some new books on your Bug Club for you to work on this week

Number Talks assignments – multiplication today
Sumdog – log on and try to multiplication games

Number Talks 3

We were supposed to be going to visit Dumfries House today to participate in some STEM activites. So, instead I’ve created an assignment for you to go to BBC Science clips and familiarise yourself with changes of state/dissolving again. Maybe your parents might allow you to carry out some new soluble/insoluble experiments again? Follow this link:

For those of you that don’t have Lego and aren’t doing any Lego challenges here are some things for you to do instead, just follow this link:
Have fun!

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