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Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning everyone!

It’s not as nice weather today so I think we might have to do our fitness inside today?

I have set a few assignments if you need them for today.


Money – Sponsor Form.

Sponsor Form


Things I like About Me/ I Am An Amazing Person
I’d like you to remind me of how wonderful you all are! I can’t get to tell you how amazing I think you all are in person so you tell me! You can use either of these sheets or make up your own. Look forward to seeing them!

I Am An Amazing Person!

Things I Like About Me


Mrs McKee has decided to change Superstars to a weekly slideshow which will feature about 4 or 5 pictures from each class of what you are doing for home learning. Remember that can be anything from reading, family time, fitness, art or baking to name a few! I look forward to seeing you pictures

Have a great day!

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well today?

I’ve been busy this morning. I went to my sisters house to wave in her window and drop off her present as it’s her birthday today. Vhairi and I stood on the pavement and watched her blow out the candles on her cake. Was so strange!

I have set a few more tasks if you need them today. Keep working away at the others and don’t forget to finish of any Bug Club books.


Sumdog – Money challenges


Design a new Bank Note –
To link with our maths topic of money I though it would be fun for you to design your own banknote.  I have attached a worksheet to help but you can be as creative as you like and you can draw on your own paper if you like.  You could even use technology if you prefer.  Think about colours, patterns, people and symbols that could appear on your banknote.  I am looking forward to seeing how creative you can be.


Have a lovely day!

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning my lovely class!
Hope you are all well this morning? Let me know please!

Keep working away at your tasks that I have previously set and I’ll set a few more tasks for you to complete if you need them.


Some money problem questions based around a trip to a theme park.



Spelling practice – Write your spelling words four different ways from these choices: normal, rainbow, cursive, capital letters, red vowels and blue consonants, alphabetical order, dot-to-dot letters, scrabble tiles, cut a stick from a newspaper or magazine, paint, chalk, pyramid writing or magnetic letters.

Spelling – ‘f’ Phoneme

Had to change the spelling groups(got mixed up -sorry!)

Have a great day!

Monday 27th April 2020

Hello everyone! Hope you have had a lovely weekend in the sunshine?

Let me know what you’ve been up to and check in with me today. Give me a thumbs up if you’re ok on Teams, post on your Blog or email me!

I have set some assignments for you today and remember I’m allowing a full week for you to complete these as I know everyone has different circumstances as to how and when they can complete their work.


Using money in a little shop you create by yourself, it can be a toy shop, food shop, garden shop -the choice is yours! Label your items with a cost and then sell them to a parent/brother/sister. Can you use real or pretend money? If you don’t have any can you make some? Try giving out receipts to go with their change. Have fun!

Money sense Mondays – are starting up Live on YouTube and Facebook for fun, interactive lessons every Monday from the Royal Bank of Scotland. Perfect for our Money topic! Your lesson will start at 12pm and is all about budgeting, it finishes and 12:30. To find it search on YouTube or let your parents search on Facebook. Let me know how you find it?


Spelling – ‘f’ Phoneme – There are three ways of making the ‘f’ phoneme/sound in a word, which are: ‘f’, ‘ff’ and ‘ph’.  Use the internet, a dictionary , your parent or a book from home to find words with the ‘f’ phoneme! Make three lists with as many words as you can in each, use the word document or paper and pencil.

Spelling f Phoneme 27.4.20

Instead of Bug Club this week I thought we’d do something a bit different.

Rubies and Sapphires you have a unit of different literacy tasks based on a short text about Trolls. I look forward to reading your stories!

Unit Trolls

Diamonds and Crystals you have a unit of different literacy tasks based on a short text about Wishes. I look forward to reading your stories!

Unit Wishes

Superstar task this week is the writing you should create about your text, either based on Trolls or Wishes.

Remember to do some daily exercise and try to help prepare a meal today with your family. Have a great day!

Friday 24th April 2020

Well, we’ve made it to Friday, another week of online learning!

Hope you are all good today and have enjoyed the good weather this week?

Today I’m not setting any new assignments, try to finish any tasks that you haven’t done already. Today, I ‘d like you to enjoy time with your family in the sun. Noah’s mum had a lovely idea, they’ve been taking cushions outside and reading stories together. Post a picture if you manage to do this. I’d love to see all your happy faces today! Or like Sophie post a picture of you out on your walk or doing something in your garden/house, like Maciej. Most of all have a great day and I look forward to seeing all your faces!

Well done to everyone who is managing to complete their tasks as I realise it will be a struggle at home with laptops and parents still working. Keep working hard though!