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Friday 26th June 2020

We made it to the end of Primary 5B!! 🎉
Well done to all of you for working so hard over the last few months.👏 I have loved seeing all of your work and working with you all in Primary 5. I really will miss you all and I’m so sorry that we didn’t get the chance to finish Primary 5 the way that we would have liked.😭
I hope you can join us for a chat at 11:00am, I’ve scheduled it on Teams so all you need to do this time is click the button when it shows join now!
If I don’t get the chance to speak to you today I want to wish you all a lovely Summer break and look forward to popping into Base 4 to visit you all as Primary 6!
Stay safe and enjoy your summer!🌞
Here’s a little song we might have sung on our last day – enjoy!

Wednesday 24th March 2020

Morning everyone! Hope you had a nice day yesterday?
Today, work away at anything from the grid and let me know what you get up to! I’ve seen some fantastic things, thanks for sharing with me!
I’m so looking forward to chatting to you all today, it’ll be so nice to catch up!
There are just 2 rules that I will need you to follow for the chat:
  • When you come on mute yourself as if there are too many of us not muted there is a lot of background noise and it can be difficult to hear! I can see everyone who has joined, so I know that you are there.
  • Be sensible and polite to one another.
Remember this is all new to us so if you have any questions about it just ask, someone else is probably thinking like you too!
Have a super morning and speak to you all this afternoon!

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good morning everyone!
I have loved seeing some of your work yesterday, please email me or post on here or on your blog! Look forward to seeing what you get up to today!
Yesterday Mrs Smith and I were busy working on adding everyone to a new class Teams. You are now a member of a primary 6 class Teams. You will find out your class sets and the teacher you will be working with on your  return in August. Can’t believe you’re all going into P6!
I am going to set up a calls for our class tomorrow (Wed) at 2pm. I’ll schedule it in the calendar and you can click on the message to join meeting at around 2pm. Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to get on I can call you in!
Have a great day everyone and I can’t wait to speak to you all tomorrow!

Friday 19th June 2020

Today is a catch up day so I haven’t given you any more assignments. It would be a good day to catch up on BugClub as there are a few of you sitting with lots of books still on your account!
Also, there’s another Sumdog competition on which starts today, you might want to take part in? Good luck!
I’ll be around on Teams if you want to chat about 4pm as I’ve got an online course to attend and I’m in at school too!
Have a great day!Rainbow