Tuesday 9th June 2020

Morning! Hope you are all well today?
Check-in question: What’s your favourite song at the moment?
I like the Tik Tok Laxed Siren Beat song just now.🎧
I have set a few more assignments for today if you need them, but remember just do what you can and when you can.
Bug club – new book for each group.
3D shape topic work.
Over the next few weeks I am going to allocate some activities from maths topics that we haven’t managed to cover yet this year due to missing so much school.  We have managed to cover all of the number topics but there are a few out with number topics that we did not get to.  This is nothing to worry about it as I am sure that you have covered these topics in the past and will again next year.  I am going to give you some suggestions each day of things that you can work on at home with your families just to refresh what you already know about these topics.  The great thing is they lend themselves very well to play/game-based learning so they should be fun tasks that the whole family can join in on.
Today I would like you to think about 3D shape.  After Christmas we were working on 2D shape and angles but unfortunately we did not manage to get to 3D shape.  I have included a Powerpoint to remind you of the names of the 3D shapes and also a few activities that you could work on.  You do not have to do them all but you can pick and choose and send me pictures of things that you do.
Suggested Activities
  • Read the Powerpoint attached to refresh your memory of some 3D shapes, there are soem really tricky ones on there which may be new to you.
  • Go on a shape hunt around your home and garden.
  • Look at the parts of a 3D shape visual aid which shows some shapes as a ‘net’.  The net of a 3D shape is what it looks like if it is opened out flat. A net can be folded up to make a 3D shape.  Explore nets by carefully opening up old cardboard packaging.  You can even trace around this on to card to design you own new box.
  • Play a 3D shapes game on Topmarks.  Here is the link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?a=activity20
Vocabulary Guide
face is a flat surface. An edge is where two faces meet. A vertex is a corner where edges meet. The plural is vertices.
Don’t forget to log into Scotland Rocks Times Tables too!
If parents are on Facebook Noah’s mum has sent us a link for Children’s Astronomy Session: Asteroids around other stars. You can sign into it from 3pm -4pm. Let me know if you go onto it and learn any cool facts you can share with us.
Enjoy your Tuesday.

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