Friday 24th April 2020

Well, we’ve made it to Friday, another week of online learning!

Hope you are all good today and have enjoyed the good weather this week?

Today I’m not setting any new assignments, try to finish any tasks that you haven’t done already. Today, I ‘d like you to enjoy time with your family in the sun. Noah’s mum had a lovely idea, they’ve been taking cushions outside and reading stories together. Post a picture if you manage to do this. I’d love to see all your happy faces today! Or like Sophie post a picture of you out on your walk or doing something in your garden/house, like Maciej. Most of all have a great day and I look forward to seeing all your faces!

Well done to everyone who is managing to complete their tasks as I realise it will be a struggle at home with laptops and parents still working. Keep working hard though!

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