Welcome to Primary 2C!

End of Term Phone Calls

If your child would like a phone call from myself before the summer holidays please get in touch and I will happily arrange a day and time to speak to them.


Best wishes

Mrs Skelton

How to complete an assignment on Microsoft Teams

Last Week of Term!

Week beginning 22nd June

I cannot believe we are in our final week of P2! As it is the last week before the summer holidays it will be a little different: We have made a list of activities for you to try throughout the week. You do not need to do them all! There will only be one Assignment folder for each curricular area – anything that you complete, please upload in these folders.


  • Bug Club book

Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?

Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about?

Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.

Finally answer the bugs.

Zigzags – A Vet’s Day

Stars – Can You Do This?

Spirals – Play the Guitar

Stripes – Everyone Loves King Julien

  • Read a book of your choice – try to do some reading everyday.


  • Phoneme and common word revision – Use the activities in the spelling grid, magnetic letters or activities of your own choice to revise the common words and phoneme words which we have learned throughout the year.

Common Words and Phoneme Words stg2

Active Spelling Grid




  • Name the 2D shape PowerPoint – discuss how many sides and corners each shape has.
  • Count and colour the 2D shapes in the picture. 2D shape picture
  • Try making an animal picture using 2D shapes. 2D Pictures
  • Now can you use 2D shapes to create your own summer picture.
  • Everyday 3D shapes PowerPoint
  • Colour the shapes, cut them out and stick them on the correct poster. If you don’t have a printer, do this verbally or find some objects around the house to sort!

3D shape sorting cards

3D shape sorting posters


Monday 15th June

Reading – Bug Club Book

Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?

Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about?

Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.

Finally answer the bugs.

Zigzags – Creepy Crawlies

Stars – Yun and the Ice Spirit

Spirals – The Mermaids and the Perfect Presents

Stripes – The Penguins of Madagascar: Good Deed Day

Spelling – phoneme story ‘a-e’

Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes.

Introduce the next phoneme. Say ‘a-e’ and ask your child to look at what your mouth does, what shape it makes? Then ask your child to say the sound and think about what their own mouth is doing.

Have a look at the following ‘a-e’ video which revises ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ too!


Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.

Read the phoneme story for ‘a-e’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme.

The story of a_e

Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?

Phoneme words – cake, bake, came, name, game, sale, brake

Common Words – take, gave, cold, don’t

Practise your spelling – Rainbow


This week we will be looking at area. First using non-standard units and then we will look at standard units of measurement. Can you find the items on this sheet around your house/garden and other items and measure them using non-standard units? This could be coins or any other non-standard unit you have in the house. In school we would use cubes or counters. 

Measuring using non standard units


It is 2 weeks until we officially stop school for summer so why not try some of these summer activities from these activity grids? 

summer learning grid p2

summer grid 2

summer colouring

Tuesday 16th June


Book of your choice, Bug Club book or listen to an audio book.


Common wordstake, gave, cold, don’t

  • Use magnetic letters to make the first word.
  • Read the word to your child and ask them to repeat it. Are they pronouncing it correctly?
  • Ask your child ‘how many letters are in the word?’ and count them together.
  • Ask ‘how many phonemes are in the word? How many sounds can you hear?’
  • Children choose a spelling strategy to help them learn the word and practise spelling it.
  • Jumble up the letters and ask your child to correct the spelling using their strategy.
  • Trace the word in the air, on the table/floor, in the sand.
  • Repeat this process for each of the common words.

Phoneme ‘a-e’

Choose one of the activities below to complete.


find-and-write-the-a-e-words – choose *, ** or *** (do not do all three)


If you have PowerPoint have a look at this PowerPoint explaining calculating and estimating area. 

area powerpoint

Now try to calculate the area of these shapes. 

area sheet 1


Make music from jam jars. 



Wednesday 17th June


Book of your choice or Bug Club book.

Text Detective


Can you spot which words are real and which are not in this worksheet? –



Try this area sheet, remember your cm2 units at the end of your answer. 

area sheet

Why don’t you have a go at this area game? 

Area Climber


In this lesson draw along with Bob Price, the art director of the CBeebies show Pablo. 


Thursday 18th June


Fact or Opinion

Have a look at the following PowerPoint to help you better understand the difference between a fact and an opinion.



Bug Club book or book of your choice.

Complete one of the book reviews below for a book which you have read this week. Remember to write in sentences and to use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, for names of people and for book titles.

Book-Review-Writing-Frame 1

book-review-activity-sheet 2


a-e-split-digraph-word-search (optional task)


Using squared paper you have at home or by printing out this sheet of 1cm2 paper, 1 cm paper, create your own area robot. 

What is the area of your robots head? 

What is the area of your robots body? 

What is the area of your robots legs? 

What is the area of your robots arms?


Why don’t you try another activity from the summer learning grids? 

Friday 19th June


Elkonin boxes

Read out some phoneme words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes.

Elkonin boxes


Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4 up to week 25.

Active Literacy Stage 2 Dictated Sentences


Have a go at this online area game: 


Why don’t you try this game with a family member or 2 if you have a dice at home? If you don’t have a dice you can use this online dice roller: https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2 

  1. Choose a different colour pencil/pen, make sure the different players choose a different colour. 
  1. Players take turns rolling the dice twice or rolling two die if you have them. Using the two numbers you have rolled draw a shape with that area. Eg: if you roll a 6 and a 2 you could draw a shape which is 2 boxes in length and 6 in width. 
  1. Write the area in the middle of your shape. 
  1. The game ends when players run out of room to draw. 
  1. The winner is the player who has used the largest area/most squares.


Why don’t you give a relative a massage or you could do some Cosmic Kids Yoga? 


Cosmic Yoga 

Monday 8th June

Reading – Bug Club Book

Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?

Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about?

Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.

Finally answer the bugs.

Zigzags – Wallace and Gromit and the Soccomatic

Stars – Pete’s Peculiar Pet Shop: Just the Job

Spirals – Jay and Sniffer: The Missing Masks

Stripes – Strawberries at School

 Spelling – phoneme story ‘o-e’

Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes.

Introduce the next phoneme. Say ‘o-e’ and ask your child to look at what your mouth does, what shape it makes? Then ask your child to say the sound and think about what their own mouth is doing.

Have a look at the following ‘o-e’ video which revises ‘oa’ too!


Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.

Read the phoneme story for ‘o-e’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme.

Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?

Phoneme words – home, rope, hope, stole, stone, smoke, awoke.

Common Words – home, more, school, Mrs.

Spelling Tictactoe activity instruction

o-e phoneme story


Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

Measure – Volume and Capacity

Have a look at the following video on some of the key vocabulary for volume and capacity and describing volume using a half and a quarter.

Print or write out the word cards below and discuss them. What does each one mean? Explain that we use this language to describe containers: full, half-full, nearly full, almost empty, empty. If you have some spare containers at home (such as old milk or juice bottles) let your child experiment with making containers that are full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty. Try pouring from one container to another to change the volume and discuss which one holds more and which holds less. Take some pictures and post on Teams!




Try this sing-along version of ‘Under the Sea’ from The Little Mermaid!


East Ayrshire 1st Level Home Learning Grid

Download the grid and do an activity or two of your choice!



Tuesday 9th June


Book of your choice, Bug Club book or listen to the story of ‘Tiddler: the Story-telling Fish’ by Julia Donaldson.

How many of our previous phonemes can you spot?


Common words – home, more, school, Mrs.

  • Use magnetic letters to make the first word.
  • Read the word to your child and ask them to repeat it. Are they pronouncing it correctly?
  • Ask your child ‘how many letters are in the word?’ and count them together.
  • Ask ‘how many phonemes are in the word? How many sounds can you hear?’
  • Children choose a spelling strategy to help them learn the word and practise spelling it.
  • Jumble up the letters and ask your child to correct the spelling using their strategy.
  • Trace the word in the air, on the table/floor, in the sand.
  • Repeat this process for each of the common words.
  • Use some of these spelling cards if you wish:



Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

Measure – Volume and Capacity

Discuss the vocabulary your child was using yesterday to describe how much liquid was in a container. Colour in the following sheet to show containers that are full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty.

Capacity sheet

Topic/Art and Design

Why not go a walk and find some more stones to decorate? You could paint them with an Under the Sea theme like the ones below!

Wednesday 10th June

Literacy – Grammar

Alphabetical Order 3


Practise making your ‘o-e’ words and common words using your boards and magnetic letters, playdough, letter stencils, letter stampers, buttons, scrabble tiles or anything else you have in the house. You could also write them with your finger in sand, shaving foam or mud!

Time challenge – How many ‘o-e’ words can you list in 1 minute?

Sentence building – Choose 2 words and use them in sentences, remembering your core targets. Try using some interesting verbs or adjectives to make your writing more descriptive.


Measure – Volume and Capacity

  • Warm-up – Supermovers
  • If you have PowerPoint, download this presentation introducing the terms litres and millilitres:

Presentation – Litres and Millilitres

  • Try matching the ml to the correct jug.

Activity Sheet – How Many Millilitres

  • Optional: If you have a litre measuring jug and a few empty containers that hold different volumes, have a go at the following sheet:

Activity Sheet – How Many Litres

  • Capacity Countdown – Try this game where you have to read the scales in litres and half litres.




Have a look at this video on BBC Bitesize about one of the most important people of the Jewish religion – Moses.


Can you retell the story to an adult in your own words?

Thursday 11th June


Have a look at the picture and write some sentences to describe what you can see. Remember our core targets – capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and using ‘and’ or ‘but’ to join sentences. Try to use some adjectives to make your writing more interesting!

Sentence Example: The huge grey shark has sharp teeth and a pointed snout.



Bug Club book, book of your choice, or listen to ‘The Smiley Shark’ by Ruth Galloway:


Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

Measure – Mass

  • Discuss the words ‘heavy’ and ‘light’. What do they mean? Can your child point out some things in the house that are heavy or light?
  • Find 5 or 6 objects in the house and hold them in your hand one at a time. See if you can order them from heaviest to lightest. You could take a picture of yourself with your objects and post it on Teams! You could also write some sentences describing your objects e.g. The water bottle is heavier than the coin; The pencil is the lightest object; The coin is lighter than the teddy bear.
  • Try this game where you weigh different objects and decide which one is heavier or lighter: https://www.turtlediary.com/game/heavy-and-light.html


If you have the equipment, try this science experiment on salt water density:

Science Experiment

Science Experiment Prompt Card

Friday 12th June


Read out some phoneme words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes.

Elkonin boxes


Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4 up to week 25.

Active Literacy Stage 2 Dictated Sentences


Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

Measure – Mass

  • Have a look at this PowerPoint and try to decide which object is heavier or lighter.


  • Try ordering the objects from lightest to heaviest in this activity sheet



Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)

  • 9am PE with Joe Wicks
  • 10am Music with Myleene Klass
  • 11am Science with Maddie Moate
  • 30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
  • 1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
  • 2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
  • 3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com


It’s Sports Week!

This week is Virtual Sports Week with Mr Smith. There will be two activities each day which you will score. At the end of the week you have to email your scores to Mr Smith and all the scores will be added together to find the overall Sports Week House Champions. Remember to check the school blog each day. You could post some pictures of yourself taking part on Teams. Have Fun!

Monday 1st June 

Reading – Bug Club Book 

Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why? 

Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about? 

Read the book to yourself and then to an adult. 

Finally answer the bugs. 

Zigzags – Horribilly: Gloopy Food

Stars – Welcome to the Circus!

Spirals – Plant Traps

Stripes – Goldilocks and the Big Mess


Spelling – phoneme story ‘i-e 

Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes.

(Phonics Song 2 –Youtube) 

Say ‘side’ and think about what your mouth does. Look at a family member as they make the sound. 

Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you. 

Read the phoneme story for ‘i-e’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. 

Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme? 

Choose one word and use it in a sentence. 

Choose a spelling strategy for each of the common words and share them with a family member.

Phoneme words: side, hide, ride, shine, white, smile. 

Common words: five, time, life, line. 

phoneme story i_e


Warm up – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/money


Choose one of the following sheets depending on the challenge you want for your child.


counting in 5ps




Just for fun (optional task)

Coin rubbing



Watch this Under the Sea video 


Have a go at guessing what the Under the Sea picture is showing. 



Tuesday 2nd June 


Read a book of your choice or listen to one of these books on Youtube: 

Winnie and Wilbur Under the Sea: 


Commotion in the Ocean:


Grammar – Alphabetical Order 

Can you complete this alphabetical order challenge? Can you find the hidden words?

Alphabetical order


Warm up – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/money

Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition or subtraction questions to practise number bonds. Children can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or a piece of paper. 


Fewest coins 1



Look at this website and watch the video about the life cycle of a sea turtle. 


Have a look at the life cycle of the turtle here. Can you order the cards? 

life cycle of sea turtle

Why don’t you try make this 3D sea turtle if you have a printer? 

3D turtle craft


Wednesday 3rd June 


Spelling – Each pupil should have a magnetic board with letters given to them last year. If you still have this at home you could use it to practise making your ‘i_e’ words and common words. 

Spelling Common Words – five, time, life, line. 

Phoneme ‘i_e’ Words: side, hide, ride, shine, white, smile. 

Use a variety of spelling strategies to help remember the correct spelling of each word. 

ALP – ‘i_e’ words – how many ‘i_e words can you list in 1 minute? 

Choose 2 words and use them in a sentence. 


Book of your choice, Bug Club book or audio book.


Warm -up – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/money

Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication questions. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper. 


Choose one of the following worksheets to complete.

Fewest coins 2

Fewest coins 3


Tune in to Glasgow Science Centre at Home at 10am to learn about the tremendous life of sea turtles and ocean biodiversity.

Have a go at this how to draw a sea turtle video. 

Thursday 4th June 


Choose a scene. Can you describe the scene using your own words and some of the words from the word box? You could think about your senses, what can you see, hear, smell, taste and feel? 

describe the scene worksheets



Warm up – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/money

Daily 10 – ask your child 10 division questions (2, 5 or 10). Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper. 



If you have PowerPoint, you could download the Massage PowerPoint, put on some relaxing music and give a family member a massage. 


Why don’t you colour in an Under the Sea mindfulness colouring picture? 

fish (Mindfulness)

Kindness Path- rock painting

In a number of areas around East Ayrshire  boys and girls have been taking part in secret stones where you paint rocks and hide them around the town for others to find.  When you find one you take it and hide it somewhere new for someone else to find.  Unfortunately due to what is happening just now it is not safe for boys and girls to pick up stones, so instead they have been painting their stones and creating a kindness path in their local area.  It would be a lovely idea if you all painted your own and started your own kindness path at home for your own garden.  When we return to school, and it is safe to do so, we can bring our rocks in and make a kindness path in the school garden.  Happy painting!


Friday 5th June 


Spelling – Elkonin boxes 

Read out some ‘i_e’ words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes. 

Elkonin boxes 


Spelling – Dictation 

Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4, 8 or up to week 12. 

Active Literacy Stage 2 Dictated Sentences 



Money  – Have a go at some of the money games on Topmarks. 


Complete one of the following worksheets. Choose from calculating change from 20p or change from £1.





You could have a go at this Moana themed Cosmic Kids Yoga. 



Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube) 

9am PE with Joe Wicks 

10am Music with Myleene Klass 

11am Science with Maddie Moate 

11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse 

1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com 

2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com 

3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com 













2 thoughts on “Welcome to Primary 2C!”

  1. Hi Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Skelton,
    It’s Annie’s mum, Gillian. Thank you for everything this week. We really look forward to your messages each morning.
    Hope you have a lovely and restful weekend with your family!
    Stay safe,
    Gillian, Annie and Greg xx

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