Category Archives: JRSO

iCycle Training


Mr McDowell and Mr Stewart organise iCycle training for our Primary 6 children each year.  This training is delivered after school from 3.30 until 4.30pm over 8 weeks commencing w/b 9th March.  This year, we have 47 children interested in taking part.  We are absolutely delighted with the level of interest but this means we will need to deliver the training in 2 groups.  Mr McDowell and Mr Stewart are happy to offer their time to lead the training on a Wednesday and a Thursday after school but we need your help to ensure it can go ahead.

Please indicate on the drop down below if you could offer your time to support our children in their iCycle training. We welcome help from parents / carers from any stage in the school.

Thank you




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The area beside the garden is for drop off only, this helps to keep the traffic flowing.

Do not park on the roundabout.

Blue badge holders only in the disabled spaces.


No cars at any time must park in the staff/visitors car park.


Considerate parking in the streets around the school please.  Is blocking a driveway or parking on the corner the correct safest choice?

Do we really need to bring the car?  Could you get up 5 minutes earlier and walk?

Please make safe and responsible choices!


Car Parking

We would like to remind all parents and carers that there is

no parking

in the staff car park.

Thank You.

Parking issues

Unfortunately today we had a complaint from a Dundonald Road resident who said he was unable to get into his runway as two cars were parked across the entrance to it.  Also, parking on the pavement across the road from the school makes manoeuvring in and out the school entrance much more hazardous.

We also had cars parked on the roundabout this afternoon – one with no driver in the car.

We would like to ask all parents to be courteous drivers and park in allocated car park bays or allow an extra few minutes to park slightly further away and walk in. This would greatly help the congestion on these darker, wet days and help keep the children safe.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

New School Crossing Patrol


 A new crossing is being  installed at Dundonald Rd / Mount Village.    

EAC is hoping to have the civils aspect completed during the October week.

The signals will be installed by a specialist contractor shortly after

which will have minimal disruption. 

We encourage parents to use their new facility when it is up and running.  

The crossing will be slightly to the right of the old site,

this  is due to the proximity of the bus stop.