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P7 Book Week Scotland

We loved spending time this week reading for pleasure and learning about how authors create and publish their stories. 
We loved learning from Inspector Fleming, PC Rae, Hannah Willow and all our Parent Readers. Thank you to everyone who came along and helped share their love of reading with us.


It was fun sharing our love of books with younger pupils. 
We even took part in the St Andrew’s Day Reading Record Attempt with schools across Scotland. 

P7 Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day 

Today we walked to Fenwick Cemetery to visit the war graves of two of the soldiers that are named on our War Memorial.  We took some flowers and a poppy cross to lay on their graves and remember them. 

We were pleased to see that the head stones had been cleaned and taken care of but we gave them a little brush and wash to make sure they looked well cared for. 

In school we learned about the meaning of the poppy and created a display as a mark of respect. 

P6/7 Cross Country

Well done to our Cross Country Team who represented Fenwick Primary School  at the East Ayrshire Cross Country Schools Event last week. 

The team warmed up together, motivated  and encouraged  each other. They even made up their own cheer leading chant!

We looked the part in our Fenwick Kit! 

Each runner gave their best and ran with determination!  We were all incredibly proud of their amazing efforts. Well done everyone, what  a fabulous team ! 



P7 Bikeability Level 2

Cycling Scotland Bikeability 2

Primary  7 successfully completed level 2 bikeability after 5 days of cycling over the last month. Thanks again to Lynsey Murphy our Active Schools  Coordinator for helping Mrs Ross to deliver these sessions on the roads in Fenwick

Bikeability Level 2
  takes place on single lane roads with simple junctions and moderate traffic, after a rider has successfully demonstrated level 1 skills. Riders learn to make good and frequent observations, communicate their intentions clearly to other road users, decide on and use the most suitable riding position, understand priorities on a road and make decisions about when people wait and when people go.


P7 Leadership Training

P7 Leadership Training


Today we took part in a day of training to support us to become leaders across the school.
Blair came and share his knowledge of tennis coaching with us and we learned what makes a good leader, how to be a good leader and to reflect on the difficulties of being an effective leader.
We had lots of fun practising these skills in the classroom and in the gym hall.
Our next step is to put these skills to use and deliver some tennis lessons across the school.

P7 Bikeability Level 1

Bikeability Level 1

Today we brought our bikes to school and spent the day in the playground developing our riding skills. Thanks to Lynsey Murphy our Active Schools Coordinator for helping us complete this with Mrs Ross. 
We practised the skills needed to develop basic cycle control skills and to gain the confidence to use our bikes more often.
Level 1 outcomes:
1. Demonstrate understanding of safety equipment and clothing
2. Carry out a simple bike check
3. Get on and off the bike without help
4. Start off and pedal without help
5. Stop without help
6. Ride along without help for roughly one minute or more
7. Make the bike go where they want
8. Use gears (where present)
9. Stop quickly with control
10.Manoeuvre safely to avoid objects
11.Look all around, including behind, without loss of control
12.Control the bike with one hand
We all showed excellent confidence and completed all the outcomes and were delighted to receive our Bikeability Level 1 Certificates.