Our P7 pupils are making excellent progress in developing their skills in cycling safely on the road. Today we combined different manoeuvres – left turns, right turns to and from major roads, passing parked cars and performing u-turns. Great work!
P7 had a great session of tennis this afternoon. Lots of games, skills developed and fun!
What a fantastic first Bikeability Level 1 session we had this afternoon!
Pupils learnt about preparing themselves for cycling, carrying out an M-check on their bike and participated in various games – circle stops, stop box, gliding and slow cycling race.
We have started a new block of learning focusing on the World of Work. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at what options we have after leaving school. Today we focused on learning about universities. Pupils had an opportunity to select a university and find out the degrees on offer and then collate them into a word cloud.
We have been learning the alphabet in French and playing lots of games to consolidate our learning including Kaboom and dice games.
We also worked with Mrs Conetta to sign/finger spelling the alphabet. We learnt to finger spell our names while saying the letters in French.
Yesterday, Primary 7 started their new focus for learning in PAThS, Respect.
Mrs Conetta gave out letters for the class to decorate and then they had to work out what the letters spelt out.
We completed discussions and a variety of activities including what respect should look and sound like. We discussed that respect can mean different things for everyone. Here is what respect means to the class.
East Ayrshire Council site