We created and wrote and followed journeys and directions using angles, degrees and turning.
All posts by eagayle.eccleston@glow
P7 Questions and Answers about Climate Change
P7 World’s Largest Lesson
Today we linked live to COP 26 to learn and think about Climate Change with the World’s Largest Lesson and AimHiLive.
P7 shared their thoughts on Climate Change.
P7 Explored themes of COP26
P7 Active Schools Leadership Games
An active day improving our HWB through participation in tig games and relays where we also had the opportunity to lead the games and activities.
P7 Digital Internet Safety
p7 are successfully designing an App and thinking about the information that is shared with Apps online. P7 considered questions about Apps to identify if they are safe.
P7 Achievement Awards
Well done P7!
HT Â Â Olivia for contributing to Museums Scotland digital Climate Change discussion.
EC Aiden, Ellie and Eilidh for contributing to a digital sway about internet safety.
SL Esme, Jacob and Kenley for creating a sway about internet safety.
Wider Achievement Harry -well done for completing a jump in horse riding
P7 Halloween party
P7 Halloween Pumpkins
P7 Halloween Activities