All posts by eagayle.eccleston@glow
P7 Achievements
P7 Expressive Arts
Exploring the outdoors using resources imaginatively.
P7 Maths and Outdoor Learning
In groups P7 had 1 minute to collect natural resources  from  the garden. They then had to collate the information and record it in a bar chart.
P7 Creating Eco Christmas Stockings
P7 put up the Christmas Tree and designed Eco Stockings.
P7 Play makers
Planning, organising and leading games.
P7 Numeracy and Maths
Currently we are working on converting fractions into decimals and percentages. We are successful learners.
P7 Leading the learning
P7 used their knowledge and skills to lead games for their peers. They planned, set up and evaluated their games in pairs.
P7 Community Clean Up
Today we went through Fenwick cleaning the signs and litter picking as part of the John Muir Award.
P7 Letter Writing
After Learning about and participating in activities related to COP26 and Climate Change we began to plan and write a persuasive letter to MP Alan Brown.