P7 followed directions using a compass and angles by turning clockwise or anti clockwise.
Daily Archives: October 21, 2021
P7 EAC Climate Change Conference
Well done to Lily as the representative from P7 at the Children and Young People’s Climate Conference with Harriet from P3/4. Super contribution of ideas.
Primary 7 learnt about COP 26 and made links to the EAC Climate Conference to learn about Waste and the Natural Environment. P7 were encouraged to create questions about each issue and consider what actions to take that can have a positive impact that will reduce Climate Change.
P7 Achievements
Great work P7!
EC Lily for contributing to discussions on Climate Change
CI Aiden for confidently using digital tools in writing
EC Emma for contributing to scientific discussions on inheritance
SL Aaron H for excellent descriptive writing
HT Nina for excellent effort in all her work