Today the Romaquip recycling lorry came to visit to teach us about what they collect and what we can recycle. We played a recycling game to identify which items go into the different parts of the trolley and talked about food waste as part of our ongoing commitment in the ‘Donna’s forget your caddy’ project.
Tag Archives: Article 24
P6/7 Garden
Today we planted lots of daffodils so that hopefully we can enjoy them all when Spring comes! We are continuing to work on improving our garden space to be an attractive, relaxing space.
Community litter pick p6/7
As part of our commitment to The Clean Green Award and maintaining our Eco flag we carried out our first community litter pick this year.
P6/7 and p5/6 Gardening
As part of our commitment to the EAC Clean Green Award and gaining our next Eco flag we began working on the Natural Environment. This is part of our action plan. With donations from Tesco and Scarlett Rose Nurseries we were able to put new plants and bulbs in the garden. Sandy and Mrs Borland from ECC helped us to get top soil too to top up the planters.
Eye Spy Spelling
Today we were creating our spelling words with things we saw outside e.g.
straight =
P6 Tubing
Screaming with fun and laughter as p6 go tubing!!!
P6 Skiing
What amazing skills p6 have demonstrated on the ski slope!