Tag Archives: Values

P6/7 – School Values

School Values
Pupil Consultation

Primary 6/7 started the process of our pupil consultation for renewing our school values. They worked collaboratively in groups then as a whole class to rank a list of values which were most important and meaningful to them. From this list they came up with their top 4 values: kindness, honesty, equity and ambition.

Following this, they worked in groups to write down what these values meant to them then shared with the rest of the class.


Next, as a class the pupils co-constructed their own definitions of each value whilst being mindful of using language that pupils throughout the school would understand.

The Primary 6/7 pupils also discussed what makes Fenwick unique. It was really lovely to hear their thoughts.

At a whole school assembly, dedicated to renewing our school values, some of our P6/7 pupils shared their work along with representatives from all other classes. It was interesting to see that several of the values the P6/7 pupils had chosen were also present in the choices of other classes. Following this, along with the staff and parent consultation the overall values became very clear with them now being confirmed as, honesty, ambition, kindness and respect. Work will now be well underway to embed these across our whole school community.