Tag Archives: UNCRC

P7 – Sanitary Samurais

HWB: Period Protection

Today Vicky from the EAC Health and Wellbeing team and Amy from EAC visited our school to see what we had in place to target period protection. Some of our Sanitary Samurai group spoke to them about how they ensure that there is sanitary provision within our school. Vicky and Amy were very pleased with our approach to period protection and were impressed with the Sanitary Samurais’ confidence in speaking about the subject.

P6/7 PE – Netball


Our class focus for PE on a Monday at the moment is netball. The pupils have been learning a range of skills linked to the sport and transferring them into conditioned game situations. Today, we focused on passing the ball to team mates (chest, shoulder, over-head and bounce passes) and we practiced attacking movements to get free from a defender. We finished our lesson by playing a conditioned game involving passing and movement.