Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

P6/7 – Health Week Day 2

Health Week
Day 2: Art, Nature, and Wellbeing

Primary 5/6 and 6/7 participated in a whole day workshop delivered by student art teachers focusing on wellbeing. They listened to a story all about the importance of taking care of nature (particularly trees) then participated in a discussion around the importance this has on ensuring we are healthy (both physically and mentally). 

The pupils then went outside to explore nature in our environment and to collect natural resources to make their own paintbrushes.

After this, the pupils discussed their natural environment and drew different aspects of their environment in the playground. They then discussed what they drew and how it makes them feel. The pupils learned how to make paint, helped make different colours of paint, then used the paint to colour their drawings.

Finally, the P7 pupils engaged in a transition discussion with the art student teachers about any worried they had about high school then created a ‘Class of 2023’ tree.

P7 PE – Football


Our class focus for PE on a Friday is football. Mrs Hosie has been leading this block and has been excellent with the pupils, bringing in her excellent skill set with football as she used to coach the sport and currently referees the sport. Last Friday, our primary 7 pupils re-capped dribbling, learned different passing techniques and focused on accuracy when passing to the team. They put these skills into practice by finishing the lesson off with a competitive game of football. 

P7 Dalguise Day 1

Day 1 Update

Primary 7 have had a great first day at Dalguise outdoor centre. They had a fun filled bus journey playing lots of hangman and singing songs on the way. Once we arrived and got our room allocations, the pupils enjoyed playing some silly games and getting to know their team leader. Mr Houston even managed to stop by for a visit and to wish the children well for their week ahead.

Tonight’s options were, chicken katsu curry and rice, beef lasagne, vegetable lasagne and a selection of vegetables as well as the salad bar. Desert was a delicious sponge cake with icing. It’s safe to say the children have been well fed and everybody managed to find something they liked.

Evening activities:
Tonight’s activity was multi-sports which took place outside on the basketball court followed by some fun quizzes in the social room. The pupils had great fun and never seemed to run out of energy! Lots of smiles and laughs have been had all round.

Good night:
All of the pupils have now been showered and are tucked up in bed with the lights out, excited for their first full day of action packed activities tomorrow.

We will aim to post a daily update however the signal and wifi are very poor so please don’t worry if an update appears later than usual.