Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

P6/7 – Health Week Day 2

Health Week
Day 2: Art, Nature, and Wellbeing

Primary 5/6 and 6/7 participated in a whole day workshop delivered by student art teachers focusing on wellbeing. They listened to a story all about the importance of taking care of nature (particularly trees) then participated in a discussion around the importance this has on ensuring we are healthy (both physically and mentally). 

The pupils then went outside to explore nature in our environment and to collect natural resources to make their own paintbrushes.

After this, the pupils discussed their natural environment and drew different aspects of their environment in the playground. They then discussed what they drew and how it makes them feel. The pupils learned how to make paint, helped make different colours of paint, then used the paint to colour their drawings.

Finally, the P7 pupils engaged in a transition discussion with the art student teachers about any worried they had about high school then created a ‘Class of 2023’ tree.

P6/7 Health Week Day 1

Health Week
Day 1: Karate, Super Tattie and Mindfulness Club


Today the Primary 6/7 pupils enjoyed a visit from Sensi Liam who delivered a fun and full of laughter introductory session to Karate. The pupils learned lots of different moves inclucidng kicks and blocks by taking part in a variety of drills.
Following on from this session, all pupils have been invited to attend a 2 week no obligations free trial. Pupils who were interested should have a leaflet in their bags this evening.


The pupils were also surprised by a visit from SuperTattie the East Ayrshire School Lunches mascot who spent the play time in our playground.

Some pupils from our class who are in the Health and Wellbeing Pupils School Improvement Committee lead a mindfulness lunchtime club for pupils from across the school. They participated in mindful colouring and the classroom felt very calm and relaxed.


P6/7 – Children’s Rights

Children’s Rights
Article of the week

For this week’s focus on children’s rights, P6/7 were considering articles 2, 19, 37 and 28, making links to Holocaust Memorial day. The pupils discussed the meaning of prejudice and discrimination and were quite vocal in their beliefs that nobody should be judged or treated differently based on religion, beliefs, gender, race or any other characteristics. Pupils partcipated in a range of group, partnered and independent tasks to develop their understanding of the importance of this week’s articles.

P6/7 – PC McIntyre visit

Substance awareness: PC McIntyre

PC McIntyre from Loudoun Academy visited our class this morning to discuss legal and illegal substances. He spoke with the pupils about legal and illegal substances and some of the effects they have on our body. This was insightful and a good start to our new Health and Wellbeing focus on substance misuse.

P6/7 – Wellbeing Champions Task

Health and Wellbeing
Pupil Champion Training

One of the tasks set for the pupils during last week’s Wellbeing Champions training session was to create a wellbeing alphabet. We decided that we would create one alphabet that everybody took part in to display to the whole school to promote positive wellbeing in Fenwick Primary. The pupils worked well in pairs then as a class to finalise their alphabet and produce the finished display. Click the link below to see their great work and be sure to have a peek at it in the corridor this week if you are in for parent’s evening.

Wellbeing alphabet

P6/7 – Wellbeing Champions

Wellbeing Champion Training

Primary 6 and 7 have been taking part in the East Ayrshire Pupil Wellbeing Champion Training. This week they completed session 2 of 4. During this session they were encouraged to consider different strategies they could use to positively impact upon the younger pupils wellbeing especially if the younger pupils are feeling upset or angry.

At the end of this training all pupils will be trained and prepared to become Fenwick Primary School’s Wellbeing Bees as part of their Primary 7 responsibilities to promote wellbeing across our school.