Tag Archives: Global Goal 13

P6/7 – Global Goal 13: Earth Hour

Global Goal 13: Climate Action
Earth Hour

Primary 6/7 explored Global Goal 13, specifically target 13.3 and made links to Earth Hour. The class created posters to encourage the rest of the school to turn off all lights, sockets and Promethean boards this Friday between 2pm and 3pm. This year the theme for Earth Hour is the ‘Biggest Hour for Earth’ so the pupils discussed the importance of everybody contributing towards Global Goal 13 through small actions to make a huge difference in creating a sustainable, long lasting Earth. They then created posters to inform others in the school about Earth Hour and encourage them to take part.

We would love if you could take the time to watch the clip attached below to learn a little about Earth Hour and we hope that it encourages you to take action.
