Tag Archives: Eco

p6/7 Money sense workshop

P6/7 had a great opportunity to work with Olivia McGregor from The Royal Bank of Scotland and participate in a Moneysense workshop linked to Natwest. The theme was ‘Save your pennies, save our planet.’ The children identified sources of energy in the home and calculated the cost of running appliances. One of the most surprising one was hair straighteners at 28p per hour and a shower at £1.30 per hour compared with a washing machine at 30p an hour or a computer at 2p per hour.

The children made links to Global Goal 13: Climate Action and identified ways in which they could save energy and money in our homes.

P6/7 Energy

Carol Kane from Vattenfall, which is Swedish for waterfall, came in to talk to us about renewable energy and the new windfarm in Ayrshire. We learnt lots of facts about wind turbines which links to Global Goal 13-Climate Action and the work we have been doing in class on renewable energy sources. She told us about the huge range of jobs, skills and careers that are available in Green energy.