Tag Archives: Article 6

P6/7 Health Week Day 1

Health Week
Day 1: Karate, Super Tattie and Mindfulness Club


Today the Primary 6/7 pupils enjoyed a visit from Sensi Liam who delivered a fun and full of laughter introductory session to Karate. The pupils learned lots of different moves inclucidng kicks and blocks by taking part in a variety of drills.
Following on from this session, all pupils have been invited to attend a 2 week no obligations free trial. Pupils who were interested should have a leaflet in their bags this evening.


The pupils were also surprised by a visit from SuperTattie the East Ayrshire School Lunches mascot who spent the play time in our playground.

Some pupils from our class who are in the Health and Wellbeing Pupils School Improvement Committee lead a mindfulness lunchtime club for pupils from across the school. They participated in mindful colouring and the classroom felt very calm and relaxed.


P6/7 – Global Goal 13: Earth Hour

Global Goal 13: Climate Action
Earth Hour

Primary 6/7 explored Global Goal 13, specifically target 13.3 and made links to Earth Hour. The class created posters to encourage the rest of the school to turn off all lights, sockets and Promethean boards this Friday between 2pm and 3pm. This year the theme for Earth Hour is the ‘Biggest Hour for Earth’ so the pupils discussed the importance of everybody contributing towards Global Goal 13 through small actions to make a huge difference in creating a sustainable, long lasting Earth. They then created posters to inform others in the school about Earth Hour and encourage them to take part.

We would love if you could take the time to watch the clip attached below to learn a little about Earth Hour and we hope that it encourages you to take action.


P6/7 Energy

Carol Kane from Vattenfall, which is Swedish for waterfall, came in to talk to us about renewable energy and the new windfarm in Ayrshire. We learnt lots of facts about wind turbines which links to Global Goal 13-Climate Action and the work we have been doing in class on renewable energy sources. She told us about the huge range of jobs, skills and careers that are available in Green energy.

P6/7 Global Goal 9

The pupils watched a video about GG 9: Innovation and Infrastructure then created a fact and a HOTS question.

In groups they then thought of an environmental invention that would improve Healthcare, Agriculture, Automotive and Construction industries.

Pupils then went on to identify a successful woman in that industry . ‘International women’s day 2023’