Tag Archives: Article 31

P7 – Leaver Performance Information

Primary 7 Leavers Performance

Primary 7 are all rehearsed out and looking forward to performing tomorrow morning as they kick off our Prize Giving 2023 event. The programme for their performance is available by clicking the link below or scanning the QR code. The QR code will also be displayed in the hall tomorrow morning before Primary 7 get started.


or scan the QR code below


P6/7 – Heads of Ayr School Trip

Heads of Ayr
end of year trip

The pupils had a fantastic day today at Heads of Ayr Farm Park. The sun was particularly hot but the pupils didn’t let this get to them and still made the most of their trip. They loved seeing all of the animals and playing in all the play spaces around the park. The pupils really did our school proud today and were excellent role models for the rest of the school.


P6/7 Health Week Day 3

Health Week
Day 3: Singing ‘The Lost Alien’

Today the Primary 5/6 and 6/7 pupils enjoyed a visiting the Grand Hall to perform the songs they have been learning for the ‘Lost Alien’.  The songs all focused on environment and the harm that is being done to our planet – in turn affecting the quality of life that people may experience. Excellent work has been put in by Siobhan Mcauley who is a freelance singer and also works for the Scottish Opera as she has been coming to the school twice each week to practice with the pupils. The pupils really did our school proud and all appeared to enjoy themselves and this has been an excellent opportunity to build their confidence and self-esteem.

P6/7 – Health Week Day 2

Health Week
Day 2: Art, Nature, and Wellbeing

Primary 5/6 and 6/7 participated in a whole day workshop delivered by student art teachers focusing on wellbeing. They listened to a story all about the importance of taking care of nature (particularly trees) then participated in a discussion around the importance this has on ensuring we are healthy (both physically and mentally). 

The pupils then went outside to explore nature in our environment and to collect natural resources to make their own paintbrushes.

After this, the pupils discussed their natural environment and drew different aspects of their environment in the playground. They then discussed what they drew and how it makes them feel. The pupils learned how to make paint, helped make different colours of paint, then used the paint to colour their drawings.

Finally, the P7 pupils engaged in a transition discussion with the art student teachers about any worried they had about high school then created a ‘Class of 2023’ tree.


This week p6/7 have been learning about the digestive system in science and really enjoyed squashing up the food to recreate what happens inside our body as we digest food.

P7 visited the ECC to continue working with the children on STEM activities.

In maths we were using our skills of reading and writing co-ordinates to create a treasure hunt for other groups.