Tag Archives: Article 28

P6/7 – P1 visitors

Science Week: P1 Visits P6/7

Yesterday the Primary 1 pupils visited our class to show and discuss their learning as part of Science Week. They showed the P6/7 pupils the wormeries they had made. The P6/7 pupils were very engaged when listening to the confident P1 pupils sharing what they had been up to and everything they had learned. The P6/7 pupils were excellent role models showing great listening skills and respect toward the younger pupils.



P6/7 – Chemical reactions

Science Week: Chemical Reactions with Mrs Hosie

Mrs Hosie returned on Monday this week to deliver lessons on chemical reactions to each class. During these lessons Mrs Hosie involved the pupils in the coke and Mentos experiment. The pupils were encouraged to think of a hypothesis, before the experiment then consider the reasons for the chemical reaction that took place. They learned that when the Mentos sink to the bottom of the cola bottle, carbon dioxide bubbles are created. As the bubbles risethey react with more carbon dioxide which is still in the cola building up lots of pressure which creates an eruption of the liquid.



P6/7 – Crime Scene Investigation

British Science Week: Ayrshire College

We were very lucky to have two lecturers (Derek and Shona) from Ayrshire college today and deliver an excellent and informative workshop to our class. They set up a crime scene (The Case of the Missing Sweets)  and explained different aspects of evidence. The pupils worked round different stations to analyse evidence samples, carrying out a range of tests. This helped the pupils to identify the prime suspect who turned out to be Mr Houston. Different stations included, chromatography (testing the ink from the ransom note), fingerprints (identifying different types of finger print and determining which suspect’s print matched the crime scene print), FITR (Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) to analyse the sticky sweet residue and pH sampling (saliva sample). Finally, Shona demonstrated a flame test using different soil samples which the pupils loved as each sample gave off a different coloured flame due to containing different chemicals (based on where they have come from).

The workshop was so engaging and the pupils all had great fun whilst learning lots of new skills. Derek and Shona commented on how they enjoyed visiting the school and seeing the excitement among the pupils. 


P6/7 and p5/6 World of Work Fayre

Our World of Work Fayre was a great success and the pupils had the opportunity to speak to UWS,  Dean Castle Countryside Ranger, ACE therapeutic services, Skills Development Scotland, James Kidd Ltd, Action for Children, Scottish Power Renewables, MSP for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley, Children 1st, Morris Equestrian,  University of Strathclyde Research group, Boots- fraud investigator, Sound, Light & Digital technician and a Respiratory Physiologist.

All our professionals commended the pupils on the questions they had prepared and their attentiveness and interest. They were all a credit to Fenwick Primary.

There was a great atmosphere and everyone, adults and pupils, learnt about jobs, careers and skills.
A huge thank you to all our volunteers for giving up their time and making the event a great success!




P6 – Play Leaders

Play Leaders

On Friday, all of the primary 6 pupils had their first Play Leaders session with Lynsey Hogg from Active Schools. Lynsey discussed role models with them and what role models mean to them. She taught them a range of strategies to maximise participation when leading activities. We are excited to see them grow as Play Leaders within our school. 

P7 PE – Football


Our class focus for PE on a Friday is football. Mrs Hosie has been leading this block and has been excellent with the pupils, bringing in her excellent skill set with football as she used to coach the sport and currently referees the sport. Last Friday, our primary 7 pupils re-capped dribbling, learned different passing techniques and focused on accuracy when passing to the team. They put these skills into practice by finishing the lesson off with a competitive game of football.