Tag Archives: Article 17

P6/7 and p5/6 World of Work Fayre

Our World of Work Fayre was a great success and the pupils had the opportunity to speak to UWS,  Dean Castle Countryside Ranger, ACE therapeutic services, Skills Development Scotland, James Kidd Ltd, Action for Children, Scottish Power Renewables, MSP for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley, Children 1st, Morris Equestrian,  University of Strathclyde Research group, Boots- fraud investigator, Sound, Light & Digital technician and a Respiratory Physiologist.

All our professionals commended the pupils on the questions they had prepared and their attentiveness and interest. They were all a credit to Fenwick Primary.

There was a great atmosphere and everyone, adults and pupils, learnt about jobs, careers and skills.
A huge thank you to all our volunteers for giving up their time and making the event a great success!




Global Goals p6/7

Today primary6/7 were learning about Global Goal 14,  Life under water.  They created HOTS questions about Life under water than carouselled around activities that allowed them to express their thoughts, opinions and knowledge; Article 13: Right to express thoughts.

Pupils identified ways to conserve our oceans by our actions and identified their next steps to make and contribute to this change.

Article 13 freedom of expression, article 17 access to information, article 24, right to a clean environment.