Tag Archives: Article 13

P6/7 Health Week Day 3

Health Week
Day 3: Singing ‘The Lost Alien’

Today the Primary 5/6 and 6/7 pupils enjoyed a visiting the Grand Hall to perform the songs they have been learning for the ‘Lost Alien’.  The songs all focused on environment and the harm that is being done to our planet – in turn affecting the quality of life that people may experience. Excellent work has been put in by Siobhan Mcauley who is a freelance singer and also works for the Scottish Opera as she has been coming to the school twice each week to practice with the pupils. The pupils really did our school proud and all appeared to enjoy themselves and this has been an excellent opportunity to build their confidence and self-esteem.

P6/7 – Health Week Day 2

Health Week
Day 2: Art, Nature, and Wellbeing

Primary 5/6 and 6/7 participated in a whole day workshop delivered by student art teachers focusing on wellbeing. They listened to a story all about the importance of taking care of nature (particularly trees) then participated in a discussion around the importance this has on ensuring we are healthy (both physically and mentally). 

The pupils then went outside to explore nature in our environment and to collect natural resources to make their own paintbrushes.

After this, the pupils discussed their natural environment and drew different aspects of their environment in the playground. They then discussed what they drew and how it makes them feel. The pupils learned how to make paint, helped make different colours of paint, then used the paint to colour their drawings.

Finally, the P7 pupils engaged in a transition discussion with the art student teachers about any worried they had about high school then created a ‘Class of 2023’ tree.

P6/7 – P1 visitors

Science Week: P1 Visits P6/7

Yesterday the Primary 1 pupils visited our class to show and discuss their learning as part of Science Week. They showed the P6/7 pupils the wormeries they had made. The P6/7 pupils were very engaged when listening to the confident P1 pupils sharing what they had been up to and everything they had learned. The P6/7 pupils were excellent role models showing great listening skills and respect toward the younger pupils.



P6/7 – Chemical reactions

Science Week: Chemical Reactions with Mrs Hosie

Mrs Hosie returned on Monday this week to deliver lessons on chemical reactions to each class. During these lessons Mrs Hosie involved the pupils in the coke and Mentos experiment. The pupils were encouraged to think of a hypothesis, before the experiment then consider the reasons for the chemical reaction that took place. They learned that when the Mentos sink to the bottom of the cola bottle, carbon dioxide bubbles are created. As the bubbles risethey react with more carbon dioxide which is still in the cola building up lots of pressure which creates an eruption of the liquid.



P6/7 – Crime Scene Investigation

British Science Week: Ayrshire College

We were very lucky to have two lecturers (Derek and Shona) from Ayrshire college today and deliver an excellent and informative workshop to our class. They set up a crime scene (The Case of the Missing Sweets)  and explained different aspects of evidence. The pupils worked round different stations to analyse evidence samples, carrying out a range of tests. This helped the pupils to identify the prime suspect who turned out to be Mr Houston. Different stations included, chromatography (testing the ink from the ransom note), fingerprints (identifying different types of finger print and determining which suspect’s print matched the crime scene print), FITR (Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) to analyse the sticky sweet residue and pH sampling (saliva sample). Finally, Shona demonstrated a flame test using different soil samples which the pupils loved as each sample gave off a different coloured flame due to containing different chemicals (based on where they have come from).

The workshop was so engaging and the pupils all had great fun whilst learning lots of new skills. Derek and Shona commented on how they enjoyed visiting the school and seeing the excitement among the pupils.