P6/7 – Numeracy

Numeracy: Place Value

Primary 6/7 were revising their place value knowledge today through a written task focusing on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) followed by a range of active tasks which they could choose from. Some pupils enjoyed the ‘misplaced x-rays’ task where they had to calculate the base ten materials on the x-ray to match it up with a patient number and others enjoyed using playing cards to create their own calculations.

P6/7 – Rights Respecting Schools

RRS – Class Charter

Yesterday the pupils engaged in lots of meaningful, collaborative work. In groups, the pupils explored the UNCRC and discussed then agreed on the 5 rights they felt were most relevant to ensure a productive learning environment for primary 6/7 this year. They shared and collated each group’s ideas then, as a class, narrowed this down to 5 final articles which will be used as the basis for their class charter. The class charter will be created with all pupils and will set out the expectations within our class to ensure that we have a productive and safe learning environment.  Finally, the pupils suggested different themes for our class charter display then took a final vote agreeing upon a nature theme (watch this space for their finished result)!

Next steps:

we will start creating our nature themed display of the class charter

pupils will work collaboratively to create a set of expectations that tie in with the articles they felt were important for their classroom

East Ayrshire Council site

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