All posts by eacharlotte.thomson@glow

P6/7 – Children’s Rights

Children’s Rights
Article of the week

For this week’s focus on children’s rights, P6/7 were considering articles 2, 19, 37 and 28, making links to Holocaust Memorial day. The pupils discussed the meaning of prejudice and discrimination and were quite vocal in their beliefs that nobody should be judged or treated differently based on religion, beliefs, gender, race or any other characteristics. Pupils partcipated in a range of group, partnered and independent tasks to develop their understanding of the importance of this week’s articles.

P6/7 – PC McIntyre visit

Substance awareness: PC McIntyre

PC McIntyre from Loudoun Academy visited our class this morning to discuss legal and illegal substances. He spoke with the pupils about legal and illegal substances and some of the effects they have on our body. This was insightful and a good start to our new Health and Wellbeing focus on substance misuse.

P6/7 – Wellbeing Champions Task

Health and Wellbeing
Pupil Champion Training

One of the tasks set for the pupils during last week’s Wellbeing Champions training session was to create a wellbeing alphabet. We decided that we would create one alphabet that everybody took part in to display to the whole school to promote positive wellbeing in Fenwick Primary. The pupils worked well in pairs then as a class to finalise their alphabet and produce the finished display. Click the link below to see their great work and be sure to have a peek at it in the corridor this week if you are in for parent’s evening.

Wellbeing alphabet

P6/7 – Wellbeing Champions

Wellbeing Champion Training

Primary 6 and 7 have been taking part in the East Ayrshire Pupil Wellbeing Champion Training. This week they completed session 2 of 4. During this session they were encouraged to consider different strategies they could use to positively impact upon the younger pupils wellbeing especially if the younger pupils are feeling upset or angry.

At the end of this training all pupils will be trained and prepared to become Fenwick Primary School’s Wellbeing Bees as part of their Primary 7 responsibilities to promote wellbeing across our school.

P6 – Quentin Blake Workshop

Quentin Blake Illustration Workshop

Primary 5 and Primary 6 had lots of fun at the Dick Institute exploring the Quentin Blake exhibition yesterday followed by an illustrating workshop.

They explored the exhibition, spotting the mistakes that Quentin Blake often made in his work. The pupils found that quite often Quentin Blake would stick a fresh bit of paper over a section of an existing illustration to replace small sections such as the head if he was not happy with what he had originally drawn.

The pupils then participated in a workshop where they were encouraged to draw their peers (dressed up) in the same style as Quentin Blake, using short thin lines, thick lines, messy and quick. They had the opportunity to use a range of materials to draw their illustrations such as ink, quills, charcoal, pens and pencils.

P6/7 – School Values

School Values
Pupil Consultation

Primary 6/7 started the process of our pupil consultation for renewing our school values. They worked collaboratively in groups then as a whole class to rank a list of values which were most important and meaningful to them. From this list they came up with their top 4 values: kindness, honesty, equity and ambition.

Following this, they worked in groups to write down what these values meant to them then shared with the rest of the class.


Next, as a class the pupils co-constructed their own definitions of each value whilst being mindful of using language that pupils throughout the school would understand.

The Primary 6/7 pupils also discussed what makes Fenwick unique. It was really lovely to hear their thoughts.

At a whole school assembly, dedicated to renewing our school values, some of our P6/7 pupils shared their work along with representatives from all other classes. It was interesting to see that several of the values the P6/7 pupils had chosen were also present in the choices of other classes. Following this, along with the staff and parent consultation the overall values became very clear with them now being confirmed as, honesty, ambition, kindness and respect. Work will now be well underway to embed these across our whole school community.


P6/7 – Numeracy

Numeracy: Place Value

Primary 6/7 were revising their place value knowledge today through a written task focusing on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) followed by a range of active tasks which they could choose from. Some pupils enjoyed the ‘misplaced x-rays’ task where they had to calculate the base ten materials on the x-ray to match it up with a patient number and others enjoyed using playing cards to create their own calculations.

P6/7 – Rights Respecting Schools

RRS – Class Charter

Yesterday the pupils engaged in lots of meaningful, collaborative work. In groups, the pupils explored the UNCRC and discussed then agreed on the 5 rights they felt were most relevant to ensure a productive learning environment for primary 6/7 this year. They shared and collated each group’s ideas then, as a class, narrowed this down to 5 final articles which will be used as the basis for their class charter. The class charter will be created with all pupils and will set out the expectations within our class to ensure that we have a productive and safe learning environment.  Finally, the pupils suggested different themes for our class charter display then took a final vote agreeing upon a nature theme (watch this space for their finished result)!

Next steps:

we will start creating our nature themed display of the class charter

pupils will work collaboratively to create a set of expectations that tie in with the articles they felt were important for their classroom