All posts by eacharlotte.thomson@glow

P6/7 – Crime Scene Investigation

British Science Week: Ayrshire College

We were very lucky to have two lecturers (Derek and Shona) from Ayrshire college today and deliver an excellent and informative workshop to our class. They set up a crime scene (The Case of the Missing Sweets)  and explained different aspects of evidence. The pupils worked round different stations to analyse evidence samples, carrying out a range of tests. This helped the pupils to identify the prime suspect who turned out to be Mr Houston. Different stations included, chromatography (testing the ink from the ransom note), fingerprints (identifying different types of finger print and determining which suspect’s print matched the crime scene print), FITR (Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) to analyse the sticky sweet residue and pH sampling (saliva sample). Finally, Shona demonstrated a flame test using different soil samples which the pupils loved as each sample gave off a different coloured flame due to containing different chemicals (based on where they have come from).

The workshop was so engaging and the pupils all had great fun whilst learning lots of new skills. Derek and Shona commented on how they enjoyed visiting the school and seeing the excitement among the pupils. 


P6 – Play Leaders

Play Leaders

On Friday, all of the primary 6 pupils had their first Play Leaders session with Lynsey Hogg from Active Schools. Lynsey discussed role models with them and what role models mean to them. She taught them a range of strategies to maximise participation when leading activities. We are excited to see them grow as Play Leaders within our school. 

P7 PE – Football


Our class focus for PE on a Friday is football. Mrs Hosie has been leading this block and has been excellent with the pupils, bringing in her excellent skill set with football as she used to coach the sport and currently referees the sport. Last Friday, our primary 7 pupils re-capped dribbling, learned different passing techniques and focused on accuracy when passing to the team. They put these skills into practice by finishing the lesson off with a competitive game of football. 

P7 – Sanitary Samurais

HWB: Period Protection

Today Vicky from the EAC Health and Wellbeing team and Amy from EAC visited our school to see what we had in place to target period protection. Some of our Sanitary Samurai group spoke to them about how they ensure that there is sanitary provision within our school. Vicky and Amy were very pleased with our approach to period protection and were impressed with the Sanitary Samurais’ confidence in speaking about the subject.

P6/7 PE – Netball


Our class focus for PE on a Monday at the moment is netball. The pupils have been learning a range of skills linked to the sport and transferring them into conditioned game situations. Today, we focused on passing the ball to team mates (chest, shoulder, over-head and bounce passes) and we practiced attacking movements to get free from a defender. We finished our lesson by playing a conditioned game involving passing and movement.

P7 Dalguise Day 5

Day 5 Update

Good morning:
This morning the pupils woke early and packed their bedding for leaving this afternoon. We headed to breakfast which was a selection of bacon, mushrooms, beans, hash browns, cereals, porridge, yoghurts, fruit and toast. After breakfast the first session was the climbing wall followed by orienteering. Both activities were a huge success with pupils encouraging one another and working well in teams to complete the activities. After our activities, Andrew, our group leader took us to see the gravestones of Beatrix Potter’s beloved pets which the pupils were fascinated by as they have heard throughout the week how Beatrix Potter used to spend her summers at the centre for holidays and latterly owned the house before selling it onto the scout group and then PGL. They have heard about how many of Beatrix Potter’s stories were inspired by the wildlife at the site. The pupils loved this history behind the centre so this was a lovely end to our last day. We then had lunch which was a choice of fish or sausage and chips as well as sandwiches, fruit and the salad bar and we are now all on the bus heading home to Fenwick. It has been an amazing week at Dalguise and the centre has been everything we wanted and more. The pupils have all been a fantastic support to one another and really have been a credit to our little school. See you all soon!

P7 Dalguise Day 4

Day 3 Update

Good morning:
The pupils woke a little later today – they must be getting tired now. Breakfast was a selection of bacon, hash browns, mushrooms, beans, toast, cereals, yoghurts and fruit. After breakfast we had abseiling and the sensory trail. Abseiling was very fun but also nerve wracking as the tower was so tall but the pupils were encouraging one another throughout the full activity. During the sensory trail, everybody had to wear blackout goggles meaning they couldn’t see anything around them. They played a range of games which focused on them using other senses to locate groups or noises. It was very funny. After this the group were led, by an instructor to the obstacle course. The whole group worked their way through the obstacle course while wearing their goggles and realised the importance of communication and trust to help one another navigate through the course. This was another very fun but challenging activity.

Good afternoon:
Lunch options today consisted of bolognese, or vegetable ratatouille with sides of pasta, garlic bread and grated cheddar. There was also sandwich options and the full salad bar and mixed fruit. After lunch, Miss Thomson and Mrs Eccleston did a room inspection ahead of tonight’s packing. Andrew, our group leader this week, challenged the pupils to hoover their rooms within a specific time frame which went down brilliant as they were very competitive between the rooms. Needless to say, they all did a fantastic job with the girls scoring 10/10 and the boys 9.5/10 (0.5 lost for a towel on the floor) so they were all rewarded with a bonus chocolate bar afterwards for their efforts. After this, our first activity was the tree climb followed by survival skills. The tree climb was far higher than we could have even imagined but every pupil gave it a try and some of them even made it to the top and rang the bell! Good luck spotting who is in each picture as it really was very tall. During survival skills, the pupils learned some facts about survival and considered what items from a  selection that they would take with them to a desert island. They then made mini shelters for their ‘hamster’ and some of the pupils learned some knife skills while others decided they wanted to explore the wooded area. Great fun was had by all during this session as it was very much child led.

Good evening:
Dinner options tonight were a chicken kiev, tomato pasta, sausage pasta bake or vegetarian sausage casserole with sides of mashed potato, pasta, cooked veg and the salad bar. Desert was a chocolate cake and chocolate custard. After dinner it was disco night which was a great activity for our last night. We enjoyed a range of games and dancing as well as lots of snacks. At the end of the disco, Andrew presented all of the pupils with a certificate for their amazing hard work and participation over the week. They were also given a PGL t-shirt from the school as a little souvenir from their week away. The pupils then returned to their rooms to pack their cases ahead of tomorrows departure. They are now all packed, showered and in bed slightly later than usual but looking forward to their activities tomorrow.


P7 Dalguise Day 3

Day 3 Update

Good morning:
The children were up slightly later this morning after their busy day yesterday. They woke just before 7 today and got themselves ready for breakfast. Breakfast today was a selection of sausages, hash browns, beans, mushrooms, toast, cereals, fruit and yoghurts. It had been raining overnight so today is quite a bit colder so the children headed back to add extra layers before starting their first activity which was the zip wire. All pupils were responsible and keen in helping one another secure their harnesses and return the zip wire rope after each person. After the zip line the next activity was fencing which was lots of fun and enjoyed by all.

Good afternoon:
Lunch choices today were breaded chicken chunks, vegetable nuggets, potato wedges, cooked veg, sandwiches, tomato soup, salad bar and a selection of fruit. As always, lunch’s ent down well and everybody managed to refuel for this afternoons activities. This afternoon the pupils enjoyed the sun that appeared whilst they played some ball games before their first activity which was vertical climb. This was followed by the burn walk. The vertical climb was particularly challenging and we found it definitely wasn’t as easy as it looks. The burn walk was very good, even though we all had freezing and soggy feet, and challenging at points as there was a lots of scrambling involved. The pupils did not disappoint and gave both activities their all!

Good evening:
Dinner tonight was a choice of, cheesy meatballs, chicken curry, vegetarian curry, rice and pasta. As always the salad bar and selection of fruit was available which our pupils have really made the most of. After dinner we got ready for this evenings activity which was called ‘ambush’ and was a PGL take on manhunt/hide and seek which meant we had to split into two teams. This activity was lots of fun. After this we returned to our social area for a snack and drink then the pupils were keen to get back to their rooms and showered. I think we have lots of tired children tonight.

P7 Dalguise Day 2

Day 2 update

Good morning:
The pupils all woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning between 6:30 and 6:45 without the teachers having to wake them so they chilled out in the social room for a little bit before breakfast.
We had breakfast at 8am which consisted of bacon, quorn sausage, beans, hash browns, mushrooms, toast and a selection of cereals, yoghurts and fruit. We then went off to our morning activities which were the giant swing and problem solving. The pupils were extremely brave on the giant swing and encouraged one another to give it a go. During problem solving the pupils worked very well as a group, developing communication skills as well as trying to think outside the box whilst trying to solve a range of problems.

Good afternoon:
Todays lunch options were baked potato with cheese, beans or tuna, vegetarian chilli, filled rolls, vegetable soup and the salad bar which went down well with everybody. After lunch we completed two activities which were the trapeze and archery. The pupils really pushed themselves out of their comfort zone to attempt the trapeze and they did absolutely fantastic.

Good evening:

Dinner tonight consisted of hunters chicken, tomato pasta or fish with a selection of sides including potato slices, vegetables and the salad bar and once again everybody was suitably fed! After dinner we joined the other school group who are here for a big campfire where we learned lots of new songs. Unfortunately we couldn’t toast our marshmallows because the fire wasn’t big enough but we made sure to enjoy them back in our social room afterwards along with some popcorn and juice. The children are exhausted today as it has been a non-stop day today so they are all showered and in bed ready to start again tomorrow.

P7 Dalguise Day 1

Day 1 Update

Primary 7 have had a great first day at Dalguise outdoor centre. They had a fun filled bus journey playing lots of hangman and singing songs on the way. Once we arrived and got our room allocations, the pupils enjoyed playing some silly games and getting to know their team leader. Mr Houston even managed to stop by for a visit and to wish the children well for their week ahead.

Tonight’s options were, chicken katsu curry and rice, beef lasagne, vegetable lasagne and a selection of vegetables as well as the salad bar. Desert was a delicious sponge cake with icing. It’s safe to say the children have been well fed and everybody managed to find something they liked.

Evening activities:
Tonight’s activity was multi-sports which took place outside on the basketball court followed by some fun quizzes in the social room. The pupils had great fun and never seemed to run out of energy! Lots of smiles and laughs have been had all round.

Good night:
All of the pupils have now been showered and are tucked up in bed with the lights out, excited for their first full day of action packed activities tomorrow.

We will aim to post a daily update however the signal and wifi are very poor so please don’t worry if an update appears later than usual.