P6/7 and p5/6 World of Work Fayre

Our World of Work Fayre was a great success and the pupils had the opportunity to speak to UWS,  Dean Castle Countryside Ranger, ACE therapeutic services, Skills Development Scotland, James Kidd Ltd, Action for Children, Scottish Power Renewables, MSP for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley, Children 1st, Morris Equestrian,  University of Strathclyde Research group, Boots- fraud investigator, Sound, Light & Digital technician and a Respiratory Physiologist.

All our professionals commended the pupils on the questions they had prepared and their attentiveness and interest. They were all a credit to Fenwick Primary.

There was a great atmosphere and everyone, adults and pupils, learnt about jobs, careers and skills.
A huge thank you to all our volunteers for giving up their time and making the event a great success!




My World of Work at Fenwick Primary

We are all ready to launch British Science and STEM week starting tomorrow with the launch of our World of Work Fayre for p5/6 and p6/7.  Our professional speakers will come in tomorrow for the World of Work Fayre and we have lots more professionals  visiting classes each day next week to share their experiences, skills, jobs, roles and careers.


A great opportunity for pupils across the school to learn about a variety of careers and skills and take part in workshops.



P6/7 Global Goal 9

The pupils watched a video about GG 9: Innovation and Infrastructure then created a fact and a HOTS question.

In groups they then thought of an environmental invention that would improve Healthcare, Agriculture, Automotive and Construction industries.

Pupils then went on to identify a successful woman in that industry . ‘International women’s day 2023’

P6 – Play Leaders

Play Leaders

On Friday, all of the primary 6 pupils had their first Play Leaders session with Lynsey Hogg from Active Schools. Lynsey discussed role models with them and what role models mean to them. She taught them a range of strategies to maximise participation when leading activities. We are excited to see them grow as Play Leaders within our school. 

P7 PE – Football


Our class focus for PE on a Friday is football. Mrs Hosie has been leading this block and has been excellent with the pupils, bringing in her excellent skill set with football as she used to coach the sport and currently referees the sport. Last Friday, our primary 7 pupils re-capped dribbling, learned different passing techniques and focused on accuracy when passing to the team. They put these skills into practice by finishing the lesson off with a competitive game of football. 

P7 – Sanitary Samurais

HWB: Period Protection

Today Vicky from the EAC Health and Wellbeing team and Amy from EAC visited our school to see what we had in place to target period protection. Some of our Sanitary Samurai group spoke to them about how they ensure that there is sanitary provision within our school. Vicky and Amy were very pleased with our approach to period protection and were impressed with the Sanitary Samurais’ confidence in speaking about the subject.

P6/7 PE – Netball


Our class focus for PE on a Monday at the moment is netball. The pupils have been learning a range of skills linked to the sport and transferring them into conditioned game situations. Today, we focused on passing the ball to team mates (chest, shoulder, over-head and bounce passes) and we practiced attacking movements to get free from a defender. We finished our lesson by playing a conditioned game involving passing and movement.

Global Goals p6/7

Today primary6/7 were learning about Global Goal 14,  Life under water.  They created HOTS questions about Life under water than carouselled around activities that allowed them to express their thoughts, opinions and knowledge; Article 13: Right to express thoughts.

Pupils identified ways to conserve our oceans by our actions and identified their next steps to make and contribute to this change.

Article 13 freedom of expression, article 17 access to information, article 24, right to a clean environment.