P6/7 Visit from Mr Wynne

Mr Wynne came in to talk about Novo Technologies and explained his role and experiences and skills used in managing the company. He shared videos that emphasised the importance of team work, what telecommunications is and the range of different roles within the industry. He also shared examples of the types of structures they build, maintain and manage. We learnt about how you could be a designer, rigger, engineer and many other roles.

Everyone working together achieves more.

P6/7 Energy

Carol Kane from Vattenfall, which is Swedish for waterfall, came in to talk to us about renewable energy and the new windfarm in Ayrshire. We learnt lots of facts about wind turbines which links to Global Goal 13-Climate Action and the work we have been doing in class on renewable energy sources. She told us about the huge range of jobs, skills and careers that are available in Green energy.