P7 Dalguise Day 4

Day 3 Update

Good morning:
The pupils woke a little later today – they must be getting tired now. Breakfast was a selection of bacon, hash browns, mushrooms, beans, toast, cereals, yoghurts and fruit. After breakfast we had abseiling and the sensory trail. Abseiling was very fun but also nerve wracking as the tower was so tall but the pupils were encouraging one another throughout the full activity. During the sensory trail, everybody had to wear blackout goggles meaning they couldn’t see anything around them. They played a range of games which focused on them using other senses to locate groups or noises. It was very funny. After this the group were led, by an instructor to the obstacle course. The whole group worked their way through the obstacle course while wearing their goggles and realised the importance of communication and trust to help one another navigate through the course. This was another very fun but challenging activity.

Good afternoon:
Lunch options today consisted of bolognese, or vegetable ratatouille with sides of pasta, garlic bread and grated cheddar. There was also sandwich options and the full salad bar and mixed fruit. After lunch, Miss Thomson and Mrs Eccleston did a room inspection ahead of tonight’s packing. Andrew, our group leader this week, challenged the pupils to hoover their rooms within a specific time frame which went down brilliant as they were very competitive between the rooms. Needless to say, they all did a fantastic job with the girls scoring 10/10 and the boys 9.5/10 (0.5 lost for a towel on the floor) so they were all rewarded with a bonus chocolate bar afterwards for their efforts. After this, our first activity was the tree climb followed by survival skills. The tree climb was far higher than we could have even imagined but every pupil gave it a try and some of them even made it to the top and rang the bell! Good luck spotting who is in each picture as it really was very tall. During survival skills, the pupils learned some facts about survival and considered what items from a  selection that they would take with them to a desert island. They then made mini shelters for their ‘hamster’ and some of the pupils learned some knife skills while others decided they wanted to explore the wooded area. Great fun was had by all during this session as it was very much child led.

Good evening:
Dinner options tonight were a chicken kiev, tomato pasta, sausage pasta bake or vegetarian sausage casserole with sides of mashed potato, pasta, cooked veg and the salad bar. Desert was a chocolate cake and chocolate custard. After dinner it was disco night which was a great activity for our last night. We enjoyed a range of games and dancing as well as lots of snacks. At the end of the disco, Andrew presented all of the pupils with a certificate for their amazing hard work and participation over the week. They were also given a PGL t-shirt from the school as a little souvenir from their week away. The pupils then returned to their rooms to pack their cases ahead of tomorrows departure. They are now all packed, showered and in bed slightly later than usual but looking forward to their activities tomorrow.