P7 Dalguise Day 3

Day 3 Update

Good morning:
The children were up slightly later this morning after their busy day yesterday. They woke just before 7 today and got themselves ready for breakfast. Breakfast today was a selection of sausages, hash browns, beans, mushrooms, toast, cereals, fruit and yoghurts. It had been raining overnight so today is quite a bit colder so the children headed back to add extra layers before starting their first activity which was the zip wire. All pupils were responsible and keen in helping one another secure their harnesses and return the zip wire rope after each person. After the zip line the next activity was fencing which was lots of fun and enjoyed by all.

Good afternoon:
Lunch choices today were breaded chicken chunks, vegetable nuggets, potato wedges, cooked veg, sandwiches, tomato soup, salad bar and a selection of fruit. As always, lunch’s ent down well and everybody managed to refuel for this afternoons activities. This afternoon the pupils enjoyed the sun that appeared whilst they played some ball games before their first activity which was vertical climb. This was followed by the burn walk. The vertical climb was particularly challenging and we found it definitely wasn’t as easy as it looks. The burn walk was very good, even though we all had freezing and soggy feet, and challenging at points as there was a lots of scrambling involved. The pupils did not disappoint and gave both activities their all!

Good evening:
Dinner tonight was a choice of, cheesy meatballs, chicken curry, vegetarian curry, rice and pasta. As always the salad bar and selection of fruit was available which our pupils have really made the most of. After dinner we got ready for this evenings activity which was called ‘ambush’ and was a PGL take on manhunt/hide and seek which meant we had to split into two teams. This activity was lots of fun. After this we returned to our social area for a snack and drink then the pupils were keen to get back to their rooms and showered. I think we have lots of tired children tonight.

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