P6/7 – Children’s Rights

Children’s Rights
Article of the week

For this week’s focus on children’s rights, P6/7 were considering articles 2, 19, 37 and 28, making links to Holocaust Memorial day. The pupils discussed the meaning of prejudice and discrimination and were quite vocal in their beliefs that nobody should be judged or treated differently based on religion, beliefs, gender, race or any other characteristics. Pupils partcipated in a range of group, partnered and independent tasks to develop their understanding of the importance of this week’s articles.

P6/7 – PC McIntyre visit

Substance awareness: PC McIntyre

PC McIntyre from Loudoun Academy visited our class this morning to discuss legal and illegal substances. He spoke with the pupils about legal and illegal substances and some of the effects they have on our body. This was insightful and a good start to our new Health and Wellbeing focus on substance misuse.