Tag Archives: Article2

P5/6 Hampden Trip

Today we had  a fantastic trip to Hampden Park. 

Read  all about our  day of learning: 

Striking Herstories


We started in the Scottish Football Museum where we were excitied to see the real Scottish Cup . We then visited all the stops on the Striking Herstories Trail, exploring and learning all about the history of Women in Scottish Football. We enjoyed looking at lots of the interesting artefacts and interactive activities.

Stadium Tour 

Next we took a tour of the stadium and visited the underground roadway where the team buses arrrive. We went to the home and away changing rooms (we all changed our shoes in here so that we could say “we got changed in the Scotland Football Team changing room”). We loved entering the stadium to the “Hampden Roar” and then being presented with the Scottish Cup! Thanks to Jim and Andy for telling us so many amazing facts and Megan for making sure our day was captured on film! 

AR26 / Brain Health STARS Training Session


Ronan from AR26 came to take a FIFA training session. We learned different strategies to use rather than heading the ball. We really liked spelling out the word BRAIN in teams, passing the ball to the correct letter. Euan, Mrs Ross’s son,was also there to help with this session as a football player and coach. 

Sophie from Brain Health Scotland came to talk to us all about our Intergenerational Topic and she was super impressed with our brain knowledge and how to prevent brain disease and take care of our brains using the STARS approach. 



Heart Start / Concussion Training


Katie and Seamus from the Hampden Sports Clinic delivered training as our last session. They taught us what to do to prevent and treat concussion and how to use CPR correctly. 

We had a fabulous day and came back to school full of excitement and lots of stories to share with our families and friends. 

Thank you to Mr Neal Ross at Hampden Park Football Museum for organising this exciting day of learning for us all.


P5/6 Afternoon Tea at Hallhouse

Afternoon Tea

On Friday we enjoyed our last visit to Hallhouse Care Home.  We had juice and biscuits and chatted to our buddy about what we had learned and enjoyed about our visits. We wrote Thankful Thursday notes and took them to everyone in Hallhose, including Claire who helped co-ordinate this topic with Mrs Ross. 

We have learned so much from all our visits and this has been a positive experience for everyone involved. 

Gracie-  “I liked learning how to interact with older people. I definitely enjoyed this topic”

Joey –  “It was fun and I liked getting to know Margaret”

Elvie – “I will remember how good it was playing games with Irene. I am not used to speaking to older people so it helped me learn what to say”.


P5/6 Visit to Hallhouse Care Home


This week we sang songs and recited a poem before spending time chatting to our Hallhouse buddies.
We asked them all about what they liked doing  at school and told them all about what we are learning in class.
Everyone always has a smile on their face all afternoon. Next week  we are looking forward to having a wee party together to celebrate the King’s Coronation.

P5/6 Dementia Friends

Today we welcomed Sheena from Alzeimer Scotland  to deliver Dementia Friendly Training to our P5/6 class. 

We learned abot the 5 key things you should know about dementia. 
  1. Dementia is not a natural part of ageing.
  2. Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain.
  3. Dementia is not just about losing your memory
  4. It’s possible to live well with dementia.
  5. There’s more to the person than dementia.
We had fun playing games and taking part in activities that helped us think about what dementia might feel like. 
Our next step in our learning about dementia is learning about how to take good care of our brain through Brain Health Scotland https://www.brainhealth.scot/

We were delighted to receive a certificate and badge  to say that we are now trained as Dementia Friends. Well Done P5/6!


P5/6 Hallhouse Visit

Today we started the first of our visits to Hallhouse Care Home as part of our Intergenerational  Topic. 
It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed our walk down through Fenwick. When we arrived the residents were all ready and waiting for us to play board games. 
 Everyone had fun together and we learned so many interesting things about our new buddies. Mrs Ross and Mrs Moore were so proud of every one of our P5/6 team who showed respect, kindness and empathy. 
We are looking forward to our return visit next week and Claire from Hallhouse told us that the residents have been excited about getting to know us all. 

P5/6 Teacher Take Over

Today in P5/6 Mrs Ross put her  feet up and 2 pupils took over  the teaching  in class.

We have been learning about LGBT+ during our UNCRC Article of the week activities and we learned all about the origins of the Pride Flag and that  the  flag represents  Equality, Pride, Hope and Love.

One very confident Primary 6 shared their understanding ond knowledge of the different rainbow flags and taught us all about respecting, celebrating and supporting our differences.

We then learned all about NATO and what nations are included in this alliance.  We answered a quiz that tested our understanding of what we had been taught.

We all agreed that Mrs Ross better watch out ! There are some fabulous teachers in P5/6 !