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P5/6 Health Week Day 2

Art students from the University of West of Scotland came to work with us today. They taught us about the importance of wellbeing and using expressive arts to promote positive wellbeing and linking it to nature and the world around us. 

First thing in the morning we went outdoors and listened to the sounds around us and used some breathing techniques to help us relax and connect with our surroundings. 

We then went on a nature hunt to find some natural objects from our school garden that we found intersting.

We took our objects indoors and used some observational drawing techniques to sketch our objects. 

After break we created our own paintbrushes using natural materials. We listened to some calming muisc as we designed and used our technical skills to create our tools. 

We then took a break for lunch and in the afternoon used chalk to sketch some large drawings inspired by nature in our playground. 

We learned how to make natural paint using water, flour and food colouring. We finally used our paintbrushes to paint our chalk drawings. You can see by the smiles on our faces how much we enjoyed this day. 

Feedback from everyone was that this was a fun, positive and calming day. Everyone was engaged with the activities and found their inner artist. 
The student art teachers commented again on our excellent behaviour, enthusiasm and creativity. 

P5/6 Health Week Day 1

What a great start we had to Health Week today! We started our morning with a Karate Lesson with Sensai Liam from Senjokai Karate. We learned some warm up moves and karate drills and all about Japanese culture.  

In class we took some time out of our busy day to relax and have a Massage in Schools break in class. 
During lunch we had a visit from a very important potato! Super Tattie came to visit and we took some photos and had a conga through the playground. 

After lunch we helped the HWB School Improvement Committee by creating class worry boxes. We will deliver these to every class later in the week. 

Can the 2030 Sustainability Goals be met without the Medicines for Africa's approach?



P5/6 Dementia Friends

Today we welcomed Sheena from Alzeimer Scotland  to deliver Dementia Friendly Training to our P5/6 class. 

We learned abot the 5 key things you should know about dementia. 
  1. Dementia is not a natural part of ageing.
  2. Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain.
  3. Dementia is not just about losing your memory
  4. It’s possible to live well with dementia.
  5. There’s more to the person than dementia.
We had fun playing games and taking part in activities that helped us think about what dementia might feel like. 
Our next step in our learning about dementia is learning about how to take good care of our brain through Brain Health Scotland https://www.brainhealth.scot/

We were delighted to receive a certificate and badge  to say that we are now trained as Dementia Friends. Well Done P5/6!


P5/6 World of Work/ Science Week – Day 5


Today Chris from the SSPCA came to talk to us all about the job he does at the SSPCA. 
We learned about who to call if we are worried about an animal in our community. We then had the opportunity to pretend to be in the SSPCA and work in teams to answer calls from the public and decide the best thging to do in each situation. 
Again, we had so many interesting questions to ask our visitor. 

British Army 

We then enjoyed a visit from Mr Brooks who came to tell us all about his career in the Army. He showed us photographs, let us try on his hats and even showed us the casing from bullets that were fired during training exercises. 

NOVO Technologies 

Mr Wynne came  to talk to us all about Telecommunications. One of  the messages that we took from the session was the importance of TEAMWORK. and choose something that you love doing and turn it in to a career. 

P5/6 Science Week Day 4 – NXP Technologies

NXP Technologies

We were very excited to have Gavin Gall visit us  from NXP technologies to talk about his job as an electrical engineer.  We leared how computer chips are made and we had a look at some NXP chips. 
We learned all about the role his complany play in developing chips for cars.   We were set a challenge by Gavin to design software updates that we might use in our own chips for cars.  

P5/6 Science Week Day 4- Craufurdland

Craufurdland Estate

Simon Craufurd came to talk to us about all the different jobs that happen on Craufurdland Estate. 

We practised carrying a tray of food with one hand like the waiters  in the restaurant do. Some of us were naturals !

We then learned all about safety equipment on the Tree Top Trials and what each piece of equipment does.  We had lots of interesting questions to ask Simon about safety and how the equipment keeps you safe. 

P5/6 Science Week Day 4

Vattenfall Renewable Energy

Carol Kane from Vattenfall, which is Swedish for waterfall, came in to talk to us about renewable energy and the new windfarm in Ayrshire. We learnt lots of facts about wind turbines which links to Global Goal 13-Climate Action and the work we have been doing in class on renewable energy sources. She told us about the huge range of jobs, skills and careers that are available in Green energy.