School Values Pupil Consultation
P5/6 worked in groups to decide what values they thought were most important to them and to our school community.
As a class they voted on the 4 most important to them as : Kindness, Honesty, Respect and Equity.
Pupils within the class then created a presentaion to deliver at our whole school assembly explaining the reasons for our class choice .
We were very proud of how well our class representatives delivered our class ideas.
Homework 5.9.22-11.9.22
This week’s homework has been added to our class Teams Page.
This week we have online homework – Bugclub reading and Sumdog Multiplication Challenge .
You have all login details on your login slip that you can now keep at home. Remember to keep your detals safe.
Let me know this week if you have any trouble logging in to Teams, Bugclub or Sumdog from home.
Thank you
Mrs Ross 🙂
Building friendships, taking risks, imaginative play and lots of fun outdoors in the sunshine today in our wonderful school garden.
Welcome to the Primary 5/6 class blog. Please be sure to check here regularly as we will post lots about what we are learning in school.
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