P5/6 are looking forward to welcoming family and friends to their allocated slot at 11.30 am tomorrow, Friday 9th December . They will be singing Christmas songs and selling their Christmas decorations
P5/6 are looking forward to welcoming family and friends to their allocated slot at 11.30 am tomorrow, Friday 9th December . They will be singing Christmas songs and selling their Christmas decorations
We have really been learning so many facts about the history of the Titanic and reading our novel the Titanic Detective Agency.
Next week we are going to be making cabins to create our own Titanic model.
Please bring a small empty shoe box from home and you can also bring any items from home that you would like to use in your model.
This week we have been using lots of active literacy strategies to help us with our spelling patterns and rules- play dough, word clouds, word searches and our favourite game… ZAP IT!
We have been focussing on different repphoneme representations that make the the sound “j” and identifying more challenging words.
Today Primary 5/6 worked in groups to discuss what they thought bullying was and why people might bully others.
They shared their thoughts on what they would do if they felt bullied and how they would support someone else who was being bullied.
As a class we discussed the importance of not allowing bullying to happen in the first place and they pledged to stand up against bullying behaviours and to spread kindness and respect throughout our school.
This weeks homework has been posted in Teams and all pupils have brought home an application form to complete and return to school.
Pupil Voice
All children within our school community will have a chance to be part of a School Improvement Committee Group where their ideas and opinions will be listened to and used to make changes within our school. All children will have the opportunty to apply for a committe group and then they will be allocated one of their choices.
Applications should be completed at home and then returned by Friday 4th Novemeber. You may want to discuss this with a parent to help you make your choice.
We have had a spooky day in P5/6.
Halloween activities in class this morning and then our party this afternoon.
Today 2 pupils led the learning and taught the class the basic BSL alphabet.
We learned how to say all the letters of the alphabet and then reinforced our learning with some Bingo activities .
A great morning of fun learning !
Today we were lucky enough to have some sports leaders from Loudoun Academy working with us to celebrate active children month. They led games and activities in the playground.
Fresh air, exercise and fun together , a great Friday feeling !
Today we were taught french by a talented pupil in p5/6 who showed the class how to use Duolingo.
She showed confidence and demonstrated the importance of ambition within our class. We had a great lesson and Mrs Ross learned lots of new french vocabulary too.