All posts by eacharlotte.thomson@glow

P5/6 – Masterships Captain Serco

Science Week: Lorna Baird (Master Ship’s Captain) from Serco

Yesterday we had Lorna Baird visiting from Serco. She is the captain of cargo ships. Lorna spoke to the class about the impact of ships on the environment and alternative options to reduce the damage to the environment. She discussed how smaller ships are using solar power and lots of ships are returning to using sails however these come with some challenges which was shared with the class. Lorna discussed how the ship manages waste to reduce impact upon the environment, such as incinerating waste and feeding food waste to sea life. 

Lorna also shared the skills required to do her job, she is a trained fire fighter and medic which is expected of all of the staff on the ship.

The pupils were very interested and asked lots of questions. 


P5/6 – Dog’s Trust Visitor

HWB: Dog’s Trust

We had a lovely visitor come into the school last week to deliver a range of lessons focusing on dogs. In P5/6, we learned about how to care for a dog and a little about body language when in the company of a dog or if a dog approaches us in public. This was a really interesting lesson and everybody learned something new. The pupils were so respectful towards our visitor and had lots of questions about what they had learned.

P6 – Play Leaders

Play Leaders

On Friday, all of the primary 6 pupils had their first Play Leaders session with Lynsey Hogg from Active Schools. Lynsey discussed role models with them and what role models mean to them. She taught them a range of strategies to maximise participation when leading activities. We are excited to see them grow as Play Leaders within our school. 

P5/6 – Shape

Maths: Shape

As part of their focus on shape, Primary 5/6 have started learning about angles. They started off by going on a right angle hunt around the classroom followed by a hunt for acute and obtuse angles. After this they discussed the unit of measure used when considering angles (degrees) and explored the use of a protractor to measure the size of angles.

P6 – Wellbeing Champions

Wellbeing Champion Training

Primary 6 and 7 have been taking part in the East Ayrshire Pupil Wellbeing Champion Training. This week they completed session 2 of 4. During this session they were encouraged to consider different strategies they could use to positively impact upon the younger pupils wellbeing especially if the younger pupils are feeling upset or angry.

At the end of this training all pupils will be trained and prepared to become Fenwick Primary School’s Wellbeing Bees as part of their Primary 7 responsibilities to promote wellbeing across our school.

P5/6 – Quentin Blake Workshop

Quentin Blake Illustration Workshop

Primary 5 and Primary 6 had lots of fun at the Dick Institute exploring the Quentin Blake exhibition yesterday followed by an illustrating workshop.

They explored the exhibition, spotting the mistakes that Quentin Blake often made in his work. The pupils found that quite often Quentin Blake would stick a fresh bit of paper over a section of an existing illustration to replace small sections such as the head if he was not happy with what he had originally drawn.

The pupils then participated in a workshop where they were encouraged to draw their peers (dressed up) in the same style as Quentin Blake, using short thin lines, thick lines, messy and quick. They had the opportunity to use a range of materials to draw their illustrations such as ink, quills, charcoal, pens and pencils.