P5/6 End of Term Plans

We still have lots of fun and engaging activities planned for the rest of term. Here are a few of the key events that you might need to take a note of :
Thursday 22nd June – P5s and P6s return trip to Fenwick Bowling Club – remember your trainers!
Friday 23rd June – Primary 6s only – Bikeability in the playground – rememeber your bike and helmet.
Please bring a plastic bag to school because we will start to send home lots of the fabulous work. 
Tuesday 27th June  – P5/6 will be watching the Film “Stormbreaker”  this is the film of the novel that we read this term.
The film is a PG, parents, please contact the school office if you would prefer your child not to watch this film.  The class have requested that they bring a small teddy to class on this day to have while they watch the film.
Wednesday 28th June – PrizeGiving

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