P5/6 Health Week Day 1

What a great start we had to Health Week today! We started our morning with a Karate Lesson with Sensai Liam from Senjokai Karate. We learned some warm up moves and karate drills and all about Japanese culture.  

In class we took some time out of our busy day to relax and have a Massage in Schools break in class. 
During lunch we had a visit from a very important potato! Super Tattie came to visit and we took some photos and had a conga through the playground. 

After lunch we helped the HWB School Improvement Committee by creating class worry boxes. We will deliver these to every class later in the week. 

Can the 2030 Sustainability Goals be met without the Medicines for Africa's approach?



P5/6 Sports Day with our Buddies

After lots of planning  with Lynsey, our Active Schools Coordinator,  the Primary 6s organised Sports Day for the ECC.  It was an afternoon of potted sports. 
Primary 5 supported their buddy by taking them around all the potted sports and helping them at each activity. We then presented all our Buddies with a medal and a certificate that we had made. 
All the ECC parents commented on our  behaiour saying  that we were excellent role models and that we were very patient and kind to our Buddies.

We had a great afternoon and went home very tired!