P5/6 Human Rights

On 10th December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

This important moment in human history is now remembered on that date every year and is known as Human Rights Day.

All children have the same human rights as adults. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the additional rights that all children have until the age of 18.

Children’s rights are human rights so we can celebrate them alongside the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Primary  5/6 chose the activities they wished to do to demonstrate their learning: create a song,  design a poster, record a timeline of events or produce an animation of a right or rights.


P5/6 Anti-Bullying Week

Today Primary 5/6 worked in groups to discuss what they thought bullying was and why people might bully others.

They shared their thoughts on what they would do if they felt bullied and how they would support someone else who was being bullied.

As a class we discussed the importance of  not allowing bullying to happen in the first place and they  pledged to stand up against bullying behaviours and to spread kindness and respect throughout our school.