Tag Archives: Teamwork

P5/6 Coding

Today we learned how to debug programs.

We programmed Marty following a program in our workbook and then debugged the program so that Marty would follow the instructions.

We enjoyed free play programming on Scratch to create our own games

One group programmed Dash to move around the classroom , under legs and through tables.

Our last group used Code.org to practise their  coding skills following the instructions to move through the levels.





P5/6 Grid Reference Work

Today we used a variety of skills to complete a maths teamwork task with Miss Murphy.

We had to follow instructions, plan, measure, cut and  work as a team to create our own  100 square grid.

We then used mathematical language to direct each other to place objects on the correct square on our grids.

We used the terms  – 90 degree turn, 180 degree turn, 270 degree turn and 360 degree turn, clockwise and anticlockwise.