Wow! We had an incredible teacher takeover session this afternoon where this talented pupil led a Scratch lesson for the class and supported the class in developing their coding skills.
Wow! We had an incredible teacher takeover session this afternoon where this talented pupil led a Scratch lesson for the class and supported the class in developing their coding skills.
We programmed Marty following a program in our workbook and then debugged the program so that Marty would follow the instructions.
We enjoyed free play programming on Scratch to create our own games
One group programmed Dash to move around the classroom , under legs and through tables.
Our last group used to practise their coding skills following the instructions to move through the levels.
p5/6 demonstrated their creativity and artistic talents today and decorated their eggs to enter into the school STEM competition.
Primary 7 were very impressed with our creations but they voted for their favourite and the p5/6 winner is …
We gathered together our resources and disussed what we thought might happen when we mixed oil and water togther. We then followed the experiment to create our own lava lamps.
The oil floats on top of the water because it is less dense or lighter than water. The food coloring has the same density as the water so it sink through the oil and mixes with the water. When you add the tablet it sinks to the bottom then starts to dissolve. As it dissolves it makes gas, carbon dioxide. Gas or air, is lighter than water so it floats to the top. The air bubbles bring some colored water with them to the top. When the air comes out of the colored water blob, the water gets heavy again and sinks. It does this over and over again until the tablet is completely dissolved.
Today we explored our understanding of the word science. We brainstormed our ideas in a group.
We took part in The Great Science Share…
We have been asking lots of questions and then hypothesising , experimenting, analysing our results and then making conclusions.
We learned all about the Peppered Moth and how it has evolved and adapted to survive in it’s changing environment.
We even made our own moths and experimented with weight to make them balance.
P5/6 used question spinners to create questions they had about bees.
We discussed the importance of bees and planted herbs that were bee friendly. Mrs Conetta and Mrs Ross look forward to seeing any photos P5/6 have of their herbs when they start growing on their e-portfolio.
While groups were busy sowing their seeds, pupils were able to access laptops to research and find out the answer to their questions about bees.
Primary 5/6 linked their learning in Numeracy and Maths and Technology today. They used what they have learnt about directions to help program Beebots and Dash. They also began to learn about debugging and correcting errors in the code.
Today we used a variety of skills to complete a maths teamwork task with Miss Murphy.
We had to follow instructions, plan, measure, cut and work as a team to create our own 100 square grid.
We then used mathematical language to direct each other to place objects on the correct square on our grids.
We used the terms – 90 degree turn, 180 degree turn, 270 degree turn and 360 degree turn, clockwise and anticlockwise.