P5/6 had an action packed Tuesday today as part of Health Week.
They participated in Karate, smoothie making and Rugby.
P5/6 had an action packed Tuesday today as part of Health Week.
They participated in Karate, smoothie making and Rugby.
We completed different stations in PE developing accuracy, agility and balance in our fitness session.
What a lovely afternoon to spend outside with the Hexagol. Thanks to Kilmarnock Football Club for providing us with it today. Lots of fun was had!
P5/6 have been developing their skills in hockey. We practised our grip, our aim and passing and stopping to others.
As part of their Scottish Wars of Independence topic, P5/6 were tasked with creating a Scottish War dance. We had lots of fun and definitely have a few budding choreographers in the class!
For Scottish Fortnight, P5/6 have been learning a variety of Scottish Dances including the Canadian Barn Dance and the Dashing White Sergeant. We have had great fun!
To finish off P5/6’s block of football, we had a session of competitive matches. Lots of fun was had and many goals were scored!
We have begun a 4 week block of football arranged by Active Schools. The pupils learnt about dribbling and shooting.
In PE, we focused on attacking and defending skills in basketball.