P5/6 were challenged with creating bows and arrows from Knex and then using a protractor to measure the angles.
P5/6 were challenged with creating bows and arrows from Knex and then using a protractor to measure the angles.
For Scottish Fortnight, P5/6 have been learning a variety of Scottish Dances including the Canadian Barn Dance and the Dashing White Sergeant. We have had great fun!
We thoroughly enjoyed racing our partner to complete our circle with 360 degrees angles. We took it in turns to choose an angle card and use a protractor to draw the angle within the circle. The winner was the first to get to 360!
P5/6 were challenged to use a protractor to create acute, right, obtuse and reflex angle slices of pizza. Fantastic results, I’d definitely be looking for a reflex angle slice myself! After drawing them, we asked a peer to use a protractor to check our angles.
To finish off P5/6’s block of football, we had a session of competitive matches. Lots of fun was had and many goals were scored!
Today we have been learning about all the chemicals and ingredients in tobacco and tobacco smoke. We decorated a giant paper cigarette with all the ingredients. There were lots of different chemicals and ingredients including nicotine, tar, honey and sugar.
We have been learning to construct 3D shapes from their nets.
We have also been looking at creating the nets ourselves and then constructing them into their 3D shapes.
We have begun a 4 week block of football arranged by Active Schools. The pupils learnt about dribbling and shooting.
Last Thursday, we used our knowledge of tessellation to create digital tessellations using Word. We learnt how to use the shapes, change their colours and the keyboard shortcuts of copy and paste.
In PE, we focused on attacking and defending skills in basketball.