Wow! We had an incredible teacher takeover session this afternoon where this talented pupil led a Scratch lesson for the class and supported the class in developing their coding skills.
Wow! We had an incredible teacher takeover session this afternoon where this talented pupil led a Scratch lesson for the class and supported the class in developing their coding skills.
We have been learning the French vocabulary for items we might find in our pencil cases. Today, to extend our learning we have been using the phrases “J’ai” and “Je n’ai pas de” to create sentences to say what we have/don’t have. In pairs, we wrote 3 sentences each which we read in French to our partner who had to translate them into English.
We completed different stations in PE developing accuracy, agility and balance in our fitness session.
Over the last few weeks, Primary 5/6 have working hard to consolidate their learning of weather in French. Pupils created a script in French to describe the weather in different locations in Scotland and at different times in the day. They then created a PowerPoint to show their forecast which they presented to the class. Bravo!
We took our learning outside today and used the playground to explore co-ordinates. Pupils worked together to create a grid and plot different points on the grid.
We have recently been learning about different options we have after school, for example, university, college, apprenticeships and employment. We have been discussing the skills and qualities we need for specific jobs and we looked into the future today…
Welcome to 2040! Each learner created a poster showing which job they would like to have, what route they would take to get there and the skills/qualities they have for that job. They presented their posters in groups.
P5/6 used question spinners to create questions they had about bees.
We discussed the importance of bees and planted herbs that were bee friendly. Mrs Conetta and Mrs Ross look forward to seeing any photos P5/6 have of their herbs when they start growing on their e-portfolio.
While groups were busy sowing their seeds, pupils were able to access laptops to research and find out the answer to their questions about bees.
Primary 5/6 linked their learning in Numeracy and Maths and Technology today. They used what they have learnt about directions to help program Beebots and Dash. They also began to learn about debugging and correcting errors in the code.
P5/6 have been developing their skills in hockey. We practised our grip, our aim and passing and stopping to others.
As part of their Scottish Wars of Independence topic, P5/6 were tasked with creating a Scottish War dance. We had lots of fun and definitely have a few budding choreographers in the class!