Tag Archives: Marty the Robot

P5/6 Coding

Today we learned how to debug programs.

We programmed Marty following a program in our workbook and then debugged the program so that Marty would follow the instructions.

We enjoyed free play programming on Scratch to create our own games

One group programmed Dash to move around the classroom , under legs and through tables.

Our last group used Code.org to practise their  coding skills following the instructions to move through the levels.





P5/6 Coding Marty

Today we excited  to discover some new exciting Robots had arrived for us to borrow.


We used our coding skills to program them to move forwards, backwards, dance and even make lots of silly noises.

We also used our class Dash robots and have learned how to make Dash move quickly all around the classroom without crashing into any of the desks!

We even programmed our bee bots to reverse park!