As part of their Scottish Wars of Independence topic, P5/6 were tasked with creating a Scottish War dance. We had lots of fun and definitely have a few budding choreographers in the class!
As part of their Scottish Wars of Independence topic, P5/6 were tasked with creating a Scottish War dance. We had lots of fun and definitely have a few budding choreographers in the class!
P5/6 were challenged with creating bows and arrows from Knex and then using a protractor to measure the angles.
On Friday we will be exploring different curricular areas through the Disney Pixar film Coco .
Technologies – We will be using iPads to create music from the film.
Literacy/ HWB – Writing poems based on the emotions explored
Expressive Art / HWB – creating and labelling skeletons
Expressive Art- carving Halloween pumpkins
If you do not wish your child to watch the short clips of Coco, which is a PG, please let the school office know before Wednesday afternoon.
We are looking forward to a fun Friday of IDL