P5/6 have been developing their skills in hockey. We practised our grip, our aim and passing and stopping to others.
P5/6 have been developing their skills in hockey. We practised our grip, our aim and passing and stopping to others.
Today we went outdoors to enjoy some fresh air and connect with nature. We discussed the benefits of being outdoors to make us feel happy, relaxed and calm.
We took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Using our bird identification sheet we counted the birds that we saw in our playground. We were pleased to see robins, blue tits, crows, jackdaws, pigeons and we even spotted 2 chaffinches hiding in a tree.
We also learned how to identify birds by their calls when we came back to class. We used the dawn chorus “music” to listen to, while we drew and labelled what we had seen.
Amelia – “being close to animals and nature is good for your wellbeing”
Callum O – ” I enjoy fresh air and learning outdoors to improve my wellbeing”
Primary 5/6 participated in great discussions today about different scenarios that we may experience when using the internet, using chat forums and online gaming and what we should and should not do in each scenario.
Our Digital leaders also shared East Ayrshire’s Top Ten Tips for staying safe online. These tips will be displayed in the classroom and discussed regularly.
As part of their Scottish Wars of Independence topic, P5/6 were tasked with creating a Scottish War dance. We had lots of fun and definitely have a few budding choreographers in the class!
To round off our Scottish afternoon, P5/6 enjoyed a treat of shortbread and Irn Bru!
Today we have been learning about all the chemicals and ingredients in tobacco and tobacco smoke. We decorated a giant paper cigarette with all the ingredients. There were lots of different chemicals and ingredients including nicotine, tar, honey and sugar.